Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Easter!

We had a terrific Easter weekend or at least it seemed great through my partial vision! On Thursday I went in and had my PRK surgery done on my left eye. The pain was a lot worse than with my right eye but luckily by Sunday it was mostly gone. Things are pretty blurry right now but I learned today at my check-up that there is a scab on the eye (perfectly normal) right where I look to see and that it is making everything blurry. So until that is fully healed Eric will be driving me around which will be a pain with the kids but I'm hoping it is just for a few more days.

For Easter we bought the kids a sandbox and both

Robert and Dad love playing in it and had to get a jump

start on playing before Easter earlier last week!

On Saturday we went to Rainbow for their Easter Egg
Hunt. The Bunny was a little scary but the egg hunt was fun!

Easter Morning!
What did the Easter Bunny bring you?

All Dressed up!

The tables got dressed up for dinner too.
It was great having both of our families here!

And to end the day a trip to the park with dad and G'pa for Robert!

Unfortunately we're coming off the weekend on a low note... Since last Thursday Robert had been battling a fever. There were no other signs and he was eating, drinking, and sleeping normally and it never spiked too high so we weren't really worried. But last night it was a rough one and he spent part of the night in bed with us. Today he has a bad cough and runny nose but the fever hasn't returned so hopefully we're nearing the end. But as one comes to the end that means it is time for the other one to begin... Izzy woke up today from her morning nap with a little fever and by the time we returned from my eye appointment (kids and Eric waited in the car and took little naps) her fever had fully spiked and she spent the rest of the afternoon curled up in my lap with a few little naps but mostly full of tears. We finally got her fever to break around 4 and she seemed to have a better night. But we'll see how much sleep we get tonight... We're not sure if Robert shared his ickiness with her or if it is the 2-3 new teeth (both top ones and possibly her 2nd bottom one) coming in. This is the first time she's been sick, and I feel very fortunate to make it almost 9 months, but it is so hard to see them in pain and confused as to why they feel that way and why mommy and daddy aren't making them better. Hopefully this is just a short bug and both will be smiling and laughing soon!

1 comment:

rarejule said...

Hey - we've got Easter baskets like that?

Hope everyone's feeling better! Maybe we can schedule a playdate to the park when the weather STAYS warmer!