Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day!!

For Father's Day Eric got the gift below along with his 2nd Boy's Weekend of the summer.  He did ask if I would mind him being gone on Father's Day weekend but since the weekend is really about him, and it meant less for me to plan, who was I to say no.  So he was able to escape and had better weather than we did in the cities.  He came home more refreshed and ready to celebrate the day all about him in his most important role...Daddy!  The kids were excited to have him home and we celebrated over dinner with Larry & Mary.  All in all it was a great day and once again reinforced that I definitely enjoy co-parenting over solo-parenting. 

The nice part about having Eric gone this weekend is that it did allow me a chance to make his father's day gift.  We picked up a small wood frame from Michaels, painted it blue, then added a few stickers and pictures and he now has a cute decoration for his office.  To add a little more to it we filled some containers with his favorite treats/snacks, added more stickers and a few cokes and we have the perfect gift.  I just love getting ideas from Pinterest!!

Thanks for being such an amazing and fun father to our children. 

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Starting the Summer off Right!!

We are off to a great start this summer and having lots of fun.  We are starting to make progress with potty training for Robert and Izzy loves to try and go potty too.  I'd love to have no diapers in the house by the end of summer but will be happy to just have 1 child out of them...preferably Robert.  When the kids aren't inside sitting on the potties they are begging to go outside and play.  Whether it be riding their bikes, eating at their picnic table, watering the plants, swimming in the little pool, or just running around they are happiest outside making us thankful for the new house!!

Loves wearing her Easter bonnet at all times!  Even takes it to bed!!
She used to be so scared of Vegas but now loves having him around.  Good thing too as he'll be with us for a week at the end of the month when my mom goes in for another back fusion. 

Dining Alfresco
They do like each other at times!!
3 in the wagon!!!
Time to go Swimming!!!

Mommy's lil' helper!
My baby is no longer a baby... :(
Who says a dollar wood mask and some paint can't provide endless fun?!
 Looking forward to more fun this summer!!!

A trip to MOA!

Earlier this month we took an evening trip to the Mall of America with Grandma Cheri, Uncle Nick and Tori.  The kids each created a new pet at Build a Bear and then we hit up Nickelodeon Universe.  The kids loved walking around and seeing some of their favorite Nick Jr characters and trying out some rides and we'll definitely have to make a trip back sometime soon!!

Robert's new puppy...Uncle Nick helped him name it Big Bear (Nick forgot it was a puppy!!)
Izzy grooming her bear named Lulu
Robert driving the boat!


The Boots Ride (Robert loves's never Dora just Boots!)
Nick, Grandma, Robert and Izzy way up high!
Train Ride with G'ma
We left them with the camera while we went on the Merry-go-Round...this was 1 of about 25 pictures they took!

At least they got some pictures of the kids too!
Definitely a great night filled with wonderful memories!