Nicole's been wanting to see some photos or videos while she's away, but I have nothing. No cooperation at all. This child, that's suppose to be funny, curious and noisy has given me nothing to work with.
At one time I considered doing a Stay at Home Dad blog. There's a reason I never got it going. Kids are not that interesting all the time. They don't do that much from one day to the next or even each week. And if you are going to do a Stay at Home Parent Blog it better be pretty funny. Who would want to read..."today son woke up at 7am, he played with some toys, took at nap at 10am, up for lunch about noon, played with toys again, nap at 2 or 3, supper at 5, bed at 8." Who wants to read that!
Instead notes should be taken when something interesting does happen. Then when the child has grown up and moved out you can start organizing the notes and put something together, but by then you're probably not interested in working on it any more. So instead we bring up these embarrassing stories when their significant other is around. Everyone laughs, HA.HA.HA. and then we do the same thing again at the next get together.
So, as much as I would like to put something entertaining up...I just don't have anything at this time.
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