Sunday, September 12, 2010

Robert"s Birthday Party!

Today we celebrated Robert's 2nd Birthday with our families. It was a great time and it is hard to believe that our little man is already 2, or at least will be on Tuesday. He has such a wonderful personality that keeps us smiling as well as on our toes! We look forward to watching him grow and are hoping the Terrible Two's really aren't too terrible!!!

One of Robert's classic looks...the sideway glance!
First bite of ice cream cake!
Getting a little more messy...
Eric's parents brought Robert Eric's old wagon and he loved it so much that after he pulled it around for awhile he ended up sitting in it sat in it while opening his gifts!
Some pics with a few of his new toys!
Not sure who liked the toys more...

Another highlight from the weekend was that my Aunt Julie came over with her kids to visit my mom while she was babysitting the kids. I'm thankful that they came over to help entertain the kids and make my mom's job easier while Eric and I were both working but sad that I didn't get to see them. However after hearing how great of a job Oliver did playing with Robert and the baby whisperer skills Henry had with our fussy girl we might need to get together again with them real soon. Sorry we missed you but I stole the pics my mom took to put on the blog since they were so cute!


Unknown said...

Looks like Robert had a great birthday!

Cute cake

-Katie Little

rarejule said...

We will gladly come visit again... the boys had a great time!