Sunday, June 13, 2010

Busy Weekend!

Well if you read my post from last week you knew that I had a busy start to this week. I luckily survived and only had a slightly elevated blood pressure when I went in for my check-up Tuesday afternoon. I still think it was the nurse taking it because when the doctor rechecked it 10 minutes later it was fine...but it might have been the non-stop running as well to elevate it. Who knows all is good and my doctor is happy that my work day is slightly slowing down with only working 8-12:30 each day and having an assistant for lessons this summer to help keep me sane and to take over whenever Izzy decides to arrive!

On Thursday Eric left for his boy's weekend. My mom had also stopped by for a few hours before heading to my brother's house for the night. It was nice having her here to help with dinner and getting Robert to bed. Eric, being the great husband that he is, had made us fried chicken before leaving and it was delicious! It was even a healthy, weight watcher recipe and I always find that anything I don't have to cook tastes better! I meant to go to bed early that night but got wrapped into watching the Twins game and didn't get the rest I probably should have had.

Friday morning after the rain finally stopped Robert and I headed off to Target to get a bunch of things and then came home for a quick nap before we needed to head to work for my class. We got to St. Kate's with a few minutes to spare and I passed Robert off to one of my students to play with while I ran my class and got a few things done in my office. On the way home I talked to Eric and told him that I was probably over doing it, seems to be a theme in my pregnant lifestyle lately, and that some of the cramping and aches I had a month ago were starting to return. I was sure that after an afternoon nap for both Robert and me I'd be feeling better but I was starting to worry about my trip to see family in Mankato the next day. Eric knows me a little too well and between the rainy weather on his camping trip and worrying about me, plus I think missing his little buddy more than he expected, he surprised Robert and I by coming home that night and cutting his trip short. We were happy to see him but I did feel bad that he cut his weekend short although he did end up being a lifesavor at the family event the next day.

So on Saturday after Robert's morning nap we headed for my Aunt Sally and Uncle Joe's house for the big Roberts' gathering! It was a great time and a lot of fun to see so many relatives that we rarely see and even a few cousins that I've never met. I wish the weather would have been a little better but we still made the most of it and if the mud all over Robert's shoes along with his wet jeans says anything you could tell he had a blast running around! Before heading out we changed Robert into his dry pajamas and he was asleep before we were on the main road home.

After the long week I took advantage of Eric being home and after being awoken at 5:30am by an overactive girl I eventually made it back to bed and spent the majority of the morning napping and laying in bed reading. It was exactly the rest I needed. Eric and Robert also spent most of the day relaxing and enjoying not having anything to do or any place to go. While we were waiting for dinner to cook we hooked up the Play Station and allowed it to connect to our computer so we could watch videos of Robert on the tv. Robert loves when we do this and just become mesmorized by what is on the tv. This is one of those times that I wish he was talking and able to share with us what he is thinking but I know the time will come soon enough.

Eric's truck tent that unfortunately only got 1 night of use

Everyone at the Roberts' gathering...well actually not everyone since some had left by this point, we have such a big family!!!

Me with my Godson Aidan and Robert

Me and my Mommy

Robert happy to be with his dad

Robert watching himself, video on at the time was of him starting to walk last cute!

1 comment:

Teresa said...

How did I miss all of the mentions of Izzy?! I love it! How did you decide on Izzy? Isabelle? Isabella? Great pictures too!!