Sunday, March 13, 2011

Growing up too fast!

Now that I'm home more, especially on the weekends, I've discovered my kids are growing up too fast! I am enjoying all of their new discoveries and abilities but at the same time missing my little babies. Izzy's biggest accomplishments the past few weeks include feeding herself with a bottle, moving forwards & backwards in the walker, and eating puffs & cheerios. She is also close to crawling but until that point can work her way across the floor quickly by rolling and scooching on her back. Robert's biggest accomplishments include talking more, putting puzzles together, and playing matching games. He has also learned how to de-childproof our house, right when Izzy is starting to need the childproofing, by learning how to open the cupboard doors (you just push down on the white tab...duh!) and take off the door locks on his bedroom door....realized this one on a morning when I was still sleeping and he came running in to our room and jumped into bed with me. At most times he's too smart for his own good but it is nice to see him put his brains to a positive use from time to time as well.

Here are some pictures of the kids over the last week and their amazing accomplishments!

Saying her prayers while sleeping!
Falling asleep while finishing a bottle
Getting annoyed at mom for taking a picture,
instead of opening and giving her the puffs!
Eating the yummy puffs! I had been trying these
with her for the past month but she wanted nothing
to do with it when I helped. This weekend I poured
some on her tray and all of a sudden she get enough!
Robert putting 2 puzzles together at one time!
Such a big girl!
Such a big boy!

1 comment:

Teresa said...

I agree, they grow up too fast! It is really exciting and sad at the same time so all we can do is enjoy it! I love the look on Izzy's face, waiting for you to open the puffs!!