Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day Weekend!

After a busy week we took the majority of the weekend to rest and relax in Red Wing with my mom and brother. It was a great time and it was nice to be with my mom after coming off such an emotional few weeks for her and all of us. Slowly but surely things are starting to come together for all of us and during times like this I am so thankful to have such great support in my family!

During our time in Red Wing we watched 3 Twins games, took 4 naps between the 3 of us (me=2, Eric=1, and Robert=1...he needed more but is so excited to be at Grandma's that he forgets how to nap!), played at the park, and had lots of yummy food. Definitely a great Mother's Day weekend for both myself and my mom. Below are some pictures of our time at one of the parks in Red Wing.

Robert walking to the playground pointing at the cool things!

Uncle Nick and Robert playing on the bumble bee

Nick & I teeter tottering...I don't recommend doing this when 7 months pregnant!

Playing the drums!

I'm a big boy! Going down the slide by himself!

1 comment:

rarejule said...

Happy Mother's Day!!