Sunday, July 12, 2009

First Parade & Fireworks...with a little landscaping!

This weekend was Robbinsdale's Whiz Bang Days and we enjoyed introducing Robert to some of the festivities. Eric started on Friday by walking downtown with Robert and sharing some homemade ice cream. Friday night we went to the park that is a block from our house to check out the carnival...didn't attempt the rides but had some yummy food!

Today we took Robert to his first parade. He only made it through about half of it before nap time became a higher priority so we walked the few blocks home to get our little boy some rest. Unfortunately or fortunately (still not sure!) he must have gotten too much rest because he didn't want to go to bed. After 3 attempts and still having a wide awake boy at 9:30 I decided that we'd walk the block to the park to watch the fireworks since I knew it would be too loud at home for him to fall asleep. So off we went and enjoyed a great display while daddy stayed home and somehow managed to sleep through the fireworks, no wonder I'm the one always waking up with Robert in the middle of the night and he sleeps soundly! He did great and really enjoyed the show, plus went right to sleep when we got home. Let's see if he stays asleep all night!

We also started on some much needed landscaping at our house this weekend. We are tackeling the yard in small sections to help save on not spending lots of money at one time and also because we only have a few hours each day to work on it together while Robert naps!

Enjoy the pictures from our busy weekend!

Putting Robert's hat on at the parade for the millionth time!

Love this pic...such a serious boy!

East side of the house (Before)
and yes those are rocks, lots of rocks

East side of the house (After)
No more rocks!

Watching the fireworks!

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