Friday, August 3, 2012

July Fun!

The last couple of weeks in July were busy for us but filled with lots of fun memories.  Robert finished up his session of swim lessons and misses going to work each day with mom!  We made a couple of trips to Red Wing to visit my mom who is still recovering from her back surgery and unable to drive.  The first trip was just a quick overnight but the kids enjoyed playing with their cars and the new stop signs and traffic cones Grandma had created for them.  We were back the following weekend to visit with my friends from high school and got most of the kids together for an afternoon.  It was a fun day at Sherry's mom's house and the kids enjoyed playing in the water and eating cupcakes!  In between the trips to Red Wing we also went and checked out the county fair by Tori and Nick's house.  It was a lot of fun and the kids really did not want to leave!   We can't believe how fast the summer is going but are hoping to make the most of August!!

Izzy watching Robert at lessons!

Playing with their cars at Grandma's House!

At the fair sporting both a sherrif sticker and a VOTE NO sticker!!

So proud (and a shocked mom that he rode the pony and didn't get scared!)
Checking out the BIG horseys!
Spoiled Kids!!
Train Ride anyone?!
Practicing their fishing skills in hopes we make it back to the lake yet this summer!

Both my babies are getting so BIG!
One last slide before we head home from the fair!
The 3 oldest kids enjoying yummy cupcakes for Izzy's birthday
The 3 girls!!
Tossing rocks in the the river!
Guiding the boat down the river!
Well really just playing with the wheel in Sherry's house but it's good to have an imagination!!

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