Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Bedtime Trouble!

Tonight we found out, a little too late, that Robert wasn't quite as tired as we thought when we put him to bed. We had heard him running around a little bit but figured as long as he was being quiet and not waking his sister we'd let him stay up there. Well about 30 minutes later he came sneaking down the stairs and sat by me on the couch. I should have known something was up as he usually doesn't come downstairs unless we say it's ok. As he's sitting next to me he has a huge grin on his face and is swinging his foot back and forth. It was dark in the living room but I notice 2 of his toes look a little different and then I realize they've been painted. He found a bottle of my nail polish in my room and painted 2 of his toenails. We took some pictures downstairs and then I went up to look at the damage...

If there is one thing I love/hate about my son is his ability to copy everything we do after seeing it just once. Tonight I'm thankful for this ability as every time I paint my toenails I put a towel down. Robert couldn't find a towel but used an old gift bag to paint on and this is the ONLY thing with nail polish on it. Big sigh of relief!! Here are some pictures of his evening art project.

Needs to work on staying in the lines!
The minimal mess on our bed! The yellow fabric is the gift bag he
used under his toes. That is one proud boy!Future Blackmail!!

And now time for bed...

1 comment:

rarejule said...

That.is.just.hilarious!! I can hear your mother laughing too at that story. It reminds us that whether we think so or not, our children ARE watching our every move.