Sunday, March 14, 2010

Toddler Free Weekend

This weekend Robert went on the 2nd sleepover party of his young life but still with a grandparent. We met up with my side at Houlihan's in Eagan to celbrate my sister-in-law's birthday and from there Robert went home with my mom. The idea was to allow us time to transform the upstairs by combining my craft room with our guest room which thus allows Robert a new bedroom for this summer. We did get a lot of work done but the weekend didn't go quite as we planned.

Eric has been battling some back, hip, and leg issues for the past week and it unfortunately reached a new level of pain. I actually ended up staying home on Friday so that Eric wouldn't need to lift Robert, not that my being almost 20 weeks pregnant was the better option, but it was the best we had. Our thought was that if Eric had a full 3 day break from lifting Robert the pain would improve...this was however not the case and this morning instead of getting stuff done around here we spent a couple of hours at Urgent Care. The results were inconclusive but it sounds like their might be a more than one problem. There is definitely something going on with his back, hopefully just a muscle issue, but the doctor also thinks he might have Kidney or Bladder infection. Again nothing was sure but Eric is on antibiotics for the next 3 days to hopefully alleviate some of the pain. He'll follow up with our doctor on Tuesday when both Robert and I are in for check-ups. While this was going on I just didn't feel good today. Upon returning from the doctor I took almost a 3 hour nap and still just felt off. Luckily eating dinner, getting sick, and then finishing my dinner has seemed to help. Not sure if it is a touch of flu or just the baby. Either way one of us needs to get up to 100% to take care of Robert!

Robert had a lot of fun at Grandma's and even got to spend some time with Uncle Nick who was in town last night and drove Robert back up to our house today. My mom was a trooper to take on our constantly moving toddler and had an even tougher weekend as our little boy decided an hour a nap (compared to his 3-4 hours over 2 naps) was sufficient both days. I think she just spoiled him too much and he knew he'd be back home to the boring routine soon enough so he needed to take advantage of the free time. I'm sure my mom took some photos of her time with Robert and once I get those I'll be sure to post them.

Our week is a busy one with lots of meetings at work, trying to finish up the work on the guest room (everything got moved in there but it looks more like a bomb went off instead of guest/craft room), and big doctor appointments. On Tuesday both Robert and I will go see our doctor. He for his 18 month check-up and me for my 20 week check-up. I can't believe how fast time is going and that my baby is already 18 months old and that my other baby is already putting me at the halfway point in the pregnancy! At my appointment we'll also schedule our ultrasound which will hopefully be this week. Now to hope that the baby cooperates and we can find out if Robert will have a baby brother or sister. There are pros/cons to both gender...the pro to a boy is that timing wise he'd be at the same point in clothes and there would be little to buy cons to a boy is that I'll be outnumbered!!! We'll let you all know and hopefully post some ultrasound pics as soon as we find out.

Hope everyone has a great week and enjoys the warm weather being promised to us!

Cuddling with Mommy after being gone all weekend!

1 comment:

rarejule said...

Goodness, you're busy! Good luck at your u/s coming up... and there's a few advantages to being outnumbered, so don't worry if it's another boy! Oh, and feel free to call on us if you need anything... we're a lot closer than RW!