Sunday, September 6, 2009

Labor Day Weekend!

This weekend my mom came up to spend some time with us and get some rest and relaxation. On Saturday we went to Archiver's for another scrapbooking event. It is amazing how fast 6 hours goes when you get in scrapbooking mode... Luckily I was able to get Robert's baby album up to date and ready for people to look at for his party.

Today I had to work in the morning to greet all of our incoming swimmers. Always a fun morning and a great way to start off the new school year. After I got home the four of us headed out with plans on taking Robert for his first zoo trip at Como Park but State Fair traffic and a beautiful afternoon changed our plans (we drove around for 30 minutes and there was no parking within a few miles of the zoo). So we decided to stick around St. Paul and visited the Science Museum. We had fun but Robert was still a little too young to enjoy it so we went a few blocks over to the Children's Museum and spent the rest of our afternoon letting Robert explore and meet new friends. It was a great time and we'll definitely be visiting there more often.

The water area was my boys favorite area!

It was the last day for the Clifford exhibit!

Playing in the Habitot!

Such a big boy!
This week will be a busy one with the start of the school year for me and some realtor meetings for Eric and then we'll be ending the week with Robert's First Birthday party. I can't believe that a week from tomorrow my baby will be turning one already. Where does the time go?

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