Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Swimming Lessons!!!

Today was Robert's first swim lesson and first time in the pool. For the last few nights he's adjusted his bedtime and been falling asleep between 6-7 so we were a little worried about the 6:30 lesson, especially when he fell asleep during the car ride to the pool. Luckily there were no tears but also no smiles.

For the majority of the class he was pretty serious (as you'll see in the pics below) and half asleep. At the very end of the class, after a little hokey pokey, he woke up and we finally got some smiles out of him. He also got pretty brave at the end and kept trying to put his mouth in the water. The class continues for 10 weeks and I'm looking forward to seeing how he progresses!

Kicking on his back with Dad

A new way to do Tummy Time!

So Serious!!

1 comment:

Teresa said...

He DOES look very serious and adorable!