Sunday, March 28, 2010


This week's post is filled with some random pics and a video from when Robert spent the weekend with my mom!

This week Robert got to play with all of his grandparents which included lots of spoiling and I'm sure he's looking forward to doing more of the same next weekend for Easter. On Thursday Eric's mom took the day off of work to babysit Robert while Eric went to a realtor class, then on Friday my mom came up, and on Saturday Robert and Eric spent the morning in Farmington helping move some spaces. While Eric was busy moving tools from his parent's basement to the garage I spent the day getting pampared with my mom. This year for Christmas we decided to not do presents for each other and instead treat ourselves to a spa day. Even though we didn't get around to it until 3 months later we had a great time and really wish we could go a lot more often.

Other events this week included sorting through all of Robert's old baby clothes and seeing if anything was gender neutral to use with his sister. I did get about 2/3 of a bin of clothes (mostly pj's and onesies but we'll take it. I also finally bought some girl outfits in a quick shopping trip to Kohl's with my mom...and I must say shopping for girl clothes is a LOT more exciting than buying little boy clothes. While I worked on sorting and buying clothes Eric started the spring yard work. He wasn't able to get as much done as he'd have liked (his back is still acting up) but the entire yard is raked and free for Robert to run around in.

This week will be pretty relaxing. It is spring break at work and even though I have to be there it will be nice and quiet so in theory I should get a lot done. Although my two favorite co-workers and I do have a lunch planned for tomorrow to our favorite restaurant and I have a feeling that will eat up most of our work day! Eric will be going to physical therapy this week as well to see what can be done for his back and leg pains. Hopefully the therapist will be able to help him so he won't be suffering over Easter. On either Friday or Saturday we'll head down to Red Wing and are looking forward to seeing some of my relatives on Saturday along with our friends Abby, Mike, and their daughter Lucy. Sunday we'll head off to church and to hear my mom sing in the choir and then right from church the 4 of us will head up to Farmington to celebrate with Eric's side of the family. From there we'll go back to Red Wing for a few days as my mom is scheduled to have yet another surgery on Monday. I'm beginning to think she has an addiction to surgeries or maybe she just needs to quit thinking her doctors are so cute and faking injuries. Just Kidding Mom! This time she has having knee surgery done on the same knee she had last year about this time. This is an injury caused from her car accident 1 1/2 years ago and instead of just going in and cleaning up the area she'll be having a partial knee replacement which will hopefully fix the pain for good.

We hope everyone has a great Easter and safe travels!

Robert helping me sort the clothes...okay maybe not helping!

Robert loves Vegas, above he's watching him eat and below they spend time watching for something exciting to happen. He's excited to have Vegas join us next week while my mom is in the hospital and recovering from her surgery.

Chilling with Uncle Nick and Vegas at my mom's house

Robert still loves to play the piano no matter whose house he's at!

1 comment:

rarejule said...

Busy busy busy!!

And Robert is a natural the ivories!