Robert had his 18 month check-up and it comes as no surprise that he is growing just fine. His weight is at 31.7 pounds and puts him in the 97th percentile, his length is at 32.25 inches to put him in the 49th percentile, and his head (still big!) measures in at the 96th percentile. The doctor has no concerns about his growth or development and we didn't even get a lecture on his lack of words. Apparantly Robert's babbling counts and I've worried for nothing the past few months! He also got his last shot until he turns 4 years old. The shot wasn't fun but it is nice to know that we don't have to worry about it for 2 1/2 years.
Eric talked with our doctor about his back since the antibiotics have done nothing for the pain. Our doctor ruled out that there was an infection and instead put him on 800mg of Ibuprofen - 3x a day for a week or so and some stretches to do. He is pretty sure it is a muscle problem and nothing structural so an MRI wasn't needed. If the pain continues Eric will probably be rewarded with going to physical therapy...lucky guy!
My 20-week numbers are looking great. I measured at 19 weeks (so I'm hoping for a smaller baby this time around), my blood pressure is still good, and so far I've only gained 3 pounds. Not too bad in my opinion!
We knew we'd be scheduling our appointment for our ultrasound but were shocked when they called the location and were told they had an appointment open in an hour! So off we went to the other part of Maple Grove for an ultrasound. Unfortunately Eric only got to saw about half of it because by then Robert was sick of being cooped up in examining rooms so he spent the rest of the time in the lobby. The baby is measuring right on track and actually came with a due date of August 1st. I learned from Robert to not get excited because at his 20 week ultrasound I measured almost a week and a half early but ended up going 4 days late. Here are some pictures of our little one.

So I'd say it was pretty good day at the doctor! Now to decide on a name...
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