Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter & Surgery

This was a busy weekend and start of the week for us and unfortunately we don't see it slowing down until next week. We had a great Easter weekend that started on Friday with seeing my Aunt Sally and Uncle Joe, then continued to Saturday with some outdoor projects at my mom's and a trip to visit Red Wing friends Abby, Mike, and Lucy. Sunday we went to church and then up to Farmington for Easter dinner with Eric's side, his Uncle Tom, and my mom. It was great to see so many people over the weekend and we wish we saw all of them more often.

The week started early as I had to have my mom at the hospital by 6:30am for her partial knee replacement. The surgery went well but I definitely learned that the waiting room is not a comfortable place for a pregnant person to wait for almost 4 hours. The rest of the day was spent running errands for my mom, getting lunch for Eric & Robert, doing laundry for my mom, and a couple of visits to the hospital (one with and one without Robert). Eric had left Red Wing that afternoon to attend a realtor workshop last night and all day today so that added more of a challenge to my day in trying to finish up projects for my mom while chasing Robert around on too little of sleep. Luckily both Robert and I had a good night sleep and were able to get out of Red Wing, after a quick stop at the hospital, and make it home for a nap! Following the nap we went grocery shopping and now are killing some time before making dinner and then off to a new session of swim lessons for Robert. Busy-Busy-Busy and I am ready for my Easter break...too bad work calls tomorrow!

My new hat!

Swinging with Uncle Nick on my new swing at G'mas

So many gifts for early in the morning

My new singing/dancing frog...that Dad hates!

G'ma R. walking Robert on a self-made bungee leash in Farmington

Temper Tantrum!! I want to feed myself the cupcake Mom!!!

Visiting G'ma at the hospital

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