Sunday, March 21, 2010

Warm Weather!

The snow is gone and the weather is finally nice enough to play outdoors again! Robert and I made quite a few trips to the parks by our house this week and I was amazed at how much he's grown since last fall. He still loves the swing (as you'll see in the video below) but he also has found his independence and wants to venture all over the park on his own. Our first day out he surprised me by wanting to walk back home instead of riding in his stroller. He made it all the way through the park on his own and you could tell he was quite proud of himself. The next day we went to the smaller park and since there wasn't as much area for him to wander around he walked the whole way home (only about a block). This also has me wondering whether or not we even need to purchase a double stroller for Robert and his sister.

Today we went out again and Eric joined us...although this was probably a bad idea since he's been in a lot of pain since we returned. We went to the bigger park and Robert again wandered through the park and even tried the slides out today. We had a few mishaps when walking through the park. Nothing major but whenever Robert fell down he was scared to put his hands on the grass (as you'll see in the 2nd video) to push himself back up. It took us a little while to figure out what the problem was but once we figured it out and captured it on video I got down on my hands and knees to show him it was okay to put my hands on the ground. He watched this for a few seconds and then popped right back up. Silly little boy!

We hope the warmer weather continues and are excited for more outdoor adventures with Robert. Have a great week everyone!

Walking around the playground


Help!!! I've fallen and can't get up!

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