Every year, about this time of year, I'm asked to update the family blog when Nicole is away training her swimmers in some far away much WARMER place. Did I say much warmer place? Yup, I did. It's not because she wants to update everyone on what's going on, but because what she really wants is photos and videos of her kids, but not of her husband of course. I would be more than willing to help, BUT, kids are not that interesting from one day to the next. And I've said it once before
here. Every once in a while they might do something funny with some kind of weird look or body movement, but in order to capture those moments one needs to have some kind of device, I think they call it a video camera, following their child around the room. Probably not very practical.
Which brings me to today's post, The Chuck E. Cheese Experiment. It's not so much an experiment, but more of trick to get you to read this post. I'm sure your first reaction was, "what in the world is The Chuck E. Cheese Experiment", or something to that affect. Unfortunately I have to let you down and tell you there really is no Chuck E. Cheese Experiment. Instead, today's post relates to what I mentioned above regarding photos and videos of kids.
Earlier today I wrote on Facebook I took Robert to Check E Cheese and almost immediately I get a comment requesting LOTS of photos. Unfortunately there really weren't any photogenic moments. The first ride we tried was a moving car that moved a little too quickly for Robert. Other than those types of rides there really wasn't much for him to play or had any interest in. I really wasn't sure if he would be too young, but I thought, "let's give it a try and see what happens", so instead I let him wonder around and pick which ones I should try. That worked out pretty well. We ended the day with 140 some tickets, which bought part of a stuffed mouse, because I paid $3 for the difference and a pizza to bring home.
Today is Day 3 of Nicole's training trip. The first couple of days Nicole's mom, Cheri, watched Robert and Izzy while I did some work at the office in the mornings. On Facebook today I posted,
Nicole Hempler is out of town this week coaching her swimmers in Florida. Izzy is with her grandmother, Cheri Roberts, for the rest of the week. Which leaves Robert and myself. The Hempler Mens Club can commence.
So far Day One has consisted of Chuck E. Cheese. I'm not sure yet what we'll do for the rest of the days. I'll be open to suggestions.