Sunday, January 2, 2011

Messy Izzy!

We started Izzy on baby food a couple of weeks ago and after a slow start she is finally in the full swing of things and looks forward to her bedtime treat of oatmeal and whatever fruit or veggie is mixed in. Eric hates this stage because it can be a little, err a lot messy but I think it is fun to see the expressions and the learning of a new task. Our biggest challenge with feeding Izzy is that she loves to suck on her hands while eating because we can't get it in fast enough which would be fine if it didn't create 12x the mess. Oh well she'll eventually learn to keep them out or she might be swaddled more than just at bedtime!!!

Eating Sweet Potatoes
Bananas are yummy and messy!
The only downside to Christmas, especially Christmas with little kids, is finding room for all of the toys and great gifts. Thanks to Grandma & Grandpa Hempler, Robert received a new storage unit and although it was intended for his bedroom the need to organize our living space won out! Plus this way we can make sure a little boy isn't climbing on furniture when he's supposed to be sleeping.

Robert is really starting to see that his sister is a lot more fun and she already adores her big brother. For the most part Robert doesn't show any jealousy towards Izzy and now loves to make her giggle. Personally, I think he just likes getting attention from another person but no matter the reason seeing the two of them play together is awesome!

I have had the entire last week off of work and the only downside to being able to be home with the kids all week is that it is going to make it that much harder to leave them on Monday for our annual training trip with the swim team. We'll be returning to the Florida Keys and will be gone for 8 days. The warm weather will be great but no hugs, giggles, or cuddles from the kids will be tough. My mom is going to help Eric out and will be here at the start of the trip so he can get to the office and then she decided that Izzy needed to come stay with her for a few days. So like the past 2 years my home will turn into a bachelor pad! I have a feeling though that the boys will miss Izzy and be anxious to get her back and by then Grandma might be ready to have a child free home!

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