Robert also struggled for a few weeks with bedtime. My first week back to work he decided that his bedtime should be 2-3 hours later. So most nights he stayed up with dad while Izzy and I were fast asleep. Luckily he realized, or rather his body demanded sleep, that going to bed at 8 is an okay thing...well for a few nights anyway. The next fun quirk he threw our way is not sleeping in his bed. He kept falling asleep on the floor right by his door, we're guessing it was because he likes to look under the door to see what's going on and then he can also hear what's going on downstairs better. When I'd go up to bed and check on him I was barely able to get in his room and then would pick him up and put him back to bed...sometimes this process was repeated multiple times throughout the night. I've finally started putting a towel in front of his door so he can't see/hear anything and it seems to have kept him in his bed. Other than that he is full of curiosity and keeps us on our toes!
Izzy has outgrown her fussiness and is definitely a daddy's girl. He is the best at getting her to coo and giggle but she does same some smiles for her mommy too! She continues to be nothing like her brother (both when he was this age and him as a 2 year old) and have GREAT sleeping habits. She usually sleeps about 10-11 hours at night and on the nights when it is only 8 and she gets up at 4am I have to remind myself that it could be much worse and she could be getting up every 2-3 hours like Robert did at this stage. Time is going so fast with her and it is hard to believe she'll already be 3 months next week.
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