Happy Halloween to all of our blog followers! The kids had a great time dressing up as a monkey and goldfish and getting lots of candy! Last year we just took Robert to some places in Red Wing for G'ma to show him off to her friends but this year we thought we'd try some trick-or-treating! Robert was so excited and loved leading the way to and from every door but at each door, after he'd ring the doorbell, he'd freeze up and the person at the door was lucky to get a smile. Towards the end of the trip he did loosen up a little bit and those that allowed him to pick his treat he'd try to grab a huge handful of candy...but mommy made him take just one. He was definitely a favorite in our neighborhood, not only because he's so cute but also because we tend to have a lot of older kids that come door-to-door that rarely have a real costume. It was a great night and we're excited for many more Halloweens and costumes to come!
The kids dressed up!

Such a happy fish!
(look back to October 2008 posts for pics of Robert as a grumpy fish)

Mommy & Robert Trick-or-Treating!

Earlier in the day Eric went to help his real estate group set up their new office so I decided to get some videos of Izzy. I tried to get some of her giggles and smiles but she would only cooperate when the camera was off. I did get some of her babbles however and of course Robert didn't want to be left out so he too is in the first video. Enjoy watching our little girl and how much she's grown in the past 3 months!
We hope all of you had a great Halloween and got more treats than tricks!
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