I officially return to work tomorrow and am having mixed feelings about it. This past month I've been working part-time and really enjoy having the best of both worlds. It has allowed me to get out of the house and interact with more people (most of whom I like)! When I wasn't working I got to be at home with my 3 favorite people, take the occasional nap, and stay on top of house chores but now I'll have to try to accomplish all of that on Sundays... Okay enough whining and on to the events of the past week!

Isabel turned 2 months old on Thursday and to celebrate we took her to see the doctor for her 2 month check-up...and shots. It is always nice to see the doctor and to be reassured that everything is going okay and that she is growing just fine. She weighed in at 11lbs 8.1oz and was in the 70
th percentile, she's 22.5" long for the 58
th percentile, and like a true
Hempler still measures in the 90
th percentile for head circumference. I really hope that our kids use their large heads to do something great with their lives...plus it is the only thing that will make me forgive them for the painful births! As she's gotten older she's outgrown the colic issues she started having around 2 weeks and is usually a pretty happy baby. Eric is especially happy about this since it will make his time at home with both kids A LOT easier!
I think the thing I'll miss the most about returning to work is my time with Robert. Don't get me wrong I love the cuddles I get from Izzy but Robert is really starting to show his personality and when he's not throwing tantrums he is so much fun to be around and always keeping his mom and dad laughing. To make up for the guilt I know I'll have this week about leaving him home we went to some new places for him to play. Our first stop was to Underwater Adventures with his friend Cooper and my friend Abby. The boys might have still been a little too young to fully appreciate it but they did enjoy looking at all the moving objects and lights. Abby and I enjoyed the different aquatic animals a little more and especially liked the rock...er I mean Shark Turtle thing we saw that honestly looked more like a fossil.

The next day Eric wanted to check out a possible play area for Robert so off we went with both kids to Maple Grove's community center to check out their indoor play area called Maple Maze. I was shocked to see how tall of a play structure they have for the kids to climb on and go down slides. Luckily they also had a toddler area with smaller slides and a ball pit. Robert was a bit timid at first but then got into the fun. The only bad part of the day was the 3 little boys (probably around 4 years old) kept chanting "stinky baby"
every time they'd run past Robert. Kids will be kids but it really upset me that their moms just allowed this to happen even though they too had younger children who were about the same age as Robert. Robert was too young to even realize what was going on, especially since when he hears baby now he thinks of Izzy not himself, and had a great time as you can see below. We'll definitely be returning to this spot and probably taking advantage of the great zero depth pool area as well.

Climbing to the first of the many levels on the big structure...
don't worry he didn't go up any higher than this!

Playing in the Ball Pit!