This past week Robert has been having a lot of fun playing with some of his friends. It started over Easter weekend when he played with Lucy (good friends from Red Wing). They did pretty good playing together but Robert did steal her pacifier a few times! Today he got to hang out with one of younger friends. We spent the afternoon at my other friend Abby's house while Eric helped get the paperwork going to sell their current home and find a new home for them. Robert enjoyed the chance to play with Cooper and especially all of his toys but didn't care much for Cooper taking his pacifier from him. It was a good lesson learned and I'm sure Lucy would be happy that he had his taken from him just like he stole hers!

Robert & Lucy (above) / Robert & Cooper (below)

Robert's other good friend this week is my mom's dog. Vegas is staying with us while she is recovering from her knee surgery. Although he is a high maintenance dog and it does take some getting used to all the wimpering and whining for Eric and I, Robert is having a blast with him. They've been doing everything together...and I do mean EVERYTHING! It started right away with Robert sharing his meals and snacks with Vegas. Vegas has barely touched his dog food since arriving but I'm pretty sure he's still being well fed. Robert took it upon himself to return the sharing of food favor and has helped himself to Vegas's dog food. Eric found him snacking on it and sent him to me. My lil' boy came running over to me so proud of what he'd accomplished and his mouth & chin covered in dog food chunks. Yummy! Eric was grossed out but I couldn't help laughing, I mean really at that point what was the point of getting mad...oh but we did move the dog's food up and is now only down on the floor when Robert is sleeping. Besides the food Robert has shared his toys with Vegas and Vegas in returned shared his kennel. It is cute but I think Eric and I will be okay to see Vegas return home to Red Wing sometime next week!

Robert's new favorite hangout...Vegas's Kennel
Amongst all of our visits and dog watching this week also brought on a new session of swim lessons for Robert. He is loving the pool and a lot more active then last year. The video above shows his new found love of putting his mouth & nose in the pool...I'm hoping in attempt to blow bubbles and not to drink the water! I'm excited to see how he improves over the next 2 months and imagine that he'll be enjoying his blow-up pool on our deck more this year than last.
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