On Tuesday we were back at lessons, this time Eric was in the water with Robert. Robert still is trying to get the hang of blowing bubbles...at least this is what I'm hoping he's doing and not drinking the water! He is also getting the hang of jumping in and loving being in the water! I'm very happy about this but judging by his current body build I'm not getting my hopes up that he'll be a swimmer...football player seems more like it right now.
Wednesday was a rainy day so nothing too exciting. Robert was a good boy and took two great naps for daddy which allowed Eric to get more work done!
Eric has been taking a class on Thursdays and we've been juggling babysitters for this day. This week G'ma Hempler stayed with Robert and although he didn't show her how he can take great naps he did have fun playing with grandma, especially digging in her coat pockets! Below you'll see a picture of him showing both G'ma & G'pa Hempler how he colors with his magic markers (the type from crayola that only work on the special paper...BEST INVENTION EVER!).
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday were spent catching up on things around the house. Eric's realtor stuff is picking up so he spent a lot of time making phone calls, working on the computer, and today he spent the morning showing our friends Abby & Steve new homes. Robert spent the weekend destroying the house with his toys, crawling into any and every space possible in our home, and running errands with us. I had to work late Friday night teaching a class and then yesterday was running errands with the boys and today I took on way too much work but am going to blame it on nesting. I am happy to say though that the floors are scrubbed, the kitchen clean, the dishes all done, the bathrooms spotless, and 6 loads of laundry completed, and the blog updated. Eric is going to make dinner (he doesn't know this yet) so I can spend the rest of the evening doing absolutely nothing!
We hope everyone has a great week!!!