Sunday, December 12, 2010

Cookies~Snow~Bad Tree~Rolling Over

The week started off pretty uneventful and with a day off on Tuesday for me! Knowing that my weekend, or so I originally thought, would be busy I decided it would be a great time to get started on making Christmas cookies. So with the help of the kids, Eric went in to the office for some quiet time, we made 6 different types of cookies! With planning on leaving the frosting of the sugar cookies and the gingerbread men/women for the weekend. It was a great time but not as much fun as I usually have when I bake with my co-worker and good friend Abby.

Abby's Replacement!
First type done!
Monster Cookies for my student workers
Helper Izzy got a little too tired...
DONE!! Success as long as I can keep Eric & Robert out of them!

I knew I'd have Sunday off but Friday afternoon it was determined that my Saturday plans (practice and a diving invite) were canceled due to the big storm we were anticipating to move in that night. Well the weather people weren't wrong and it was a good thing we canceled because the cities averaged 20 inches of snow with lots of wind and cold temps. I used my extra time at home to finish up the cookies, get caught up on laundry, clean the house, and take a nap! It was perfect but after 2 days locked inside (Eric did all the shoveling!) I'm ready to get out of the house tomorrow even if it does mean going to work.

Our deck Saturday night
Gingerbread Men & Women
Sugar Cookies
Backyard this morning...
before Eric shoveled us out!
On the bad side to the holiday season the Christmas Tree we bought this year was a dud. We got it from the same place as last year and didn't have any problems so we're thinking we just got a bad tree. It started dying almost instantly and wouldn't take a lot, if any, water. This week, in hopes of reviving it, Eric tried to cut it again hoping it would start taking in water but it was too little too late. There was a little disagreement over what to do with the dead tree but in the end Eric finally listened to me and it is sitting on our deck until the garbage men pick up trees in January. Eric wanted to keep it in the house and still light it at night but I was sick of dead needles falling off and getting all over our house. We also debated whether or not to replace it but we decided since we wouldn't be celebrating Christmas at our house it wasn't worth the money or the hassle to purchase a new one...but we might be switching modes and buying a fake one the day after Christmas when they are on clearance. I knew that Eric really wanted a tree so while he was out on one of his many shoveling trips today I surprised him with a new tree. Doesn't light up but there is NO mess!
Trying to save the tree
New Tree!

The big news of the week is that Izzy finally figured out how to roll over. She's been so close for weeks but her shoulder kept stopping her. She loves being able to move more but HATES that the end result puts her on her stomach. She has always disliked tummy time and usually gets pretty upset when she ends up on her belly after rolling. We figure it won't take too long for her to master rolling from her front to back!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Winter Bugs and 4 Months Old!

This week 3 out of 4 of us came down with the cold bug that so many people are getting right now. It started with Robert on Sunday at Izzy's baptism and then spread to Eric and I. Robert had it the worst but seems to pretty much (minus a runny nose) be over it. Luckily Izzy seems to have escaped it and we're hoping it stays that way! However out of all of us she is the one that had to go to the doctor this week...but for a well check-up instead of a sick visit! It is hard to believe she is already 4 months old but it was nice to be reassured that she is healthy and growing up just fine. She weighed in at 13.3 pounds and was 24.5 inches long. Pretty much the reverse of her brother where her weight put her at 48% and height was 79% and Robert was a little more on the chubbier/shorter side of things! But don't worry head size, like her brother, she is still at 95%!

Not much else got accomplished this week thanks to the sicknesses and a busy work weekend for me but the house is decorated for Christmas, Christmas presents are all bought (except for Eric's), wrapped, and stored in the basement out of a little boys eyesight, and now I'm starting to tackle baking cookies and getting our Christmas cards ready for the mail. I hope all of you are healthy and getting into the happy holiday spirit!

Izzy playing with Nick today! Such a big girl now!
Picture from Nick's birthday back in November...
I misplaced my camera for a few weeks but luckily Robert
found it for me in the diaper bag. Good thing he's so nosy!

Monday, November 29, 2010


I used to look forward to weekends and holiday breaks but most times they are busier than the week and leave me wanting a nap and more time off! This past holiday weekend was no exception to the craziness but it was a lot of fun to see so many friends and family.

On Thursday we celebrated Turkey Day in Apple Valley at Eric's Uncle Tom's home with his family, another Aunt and Uncle from Iowa, and the rest of the Hemplers. It was a lot of fun to see everyone and for Robert to play with his cousin Tobias who is a year older than him.

After the celebration I started my yearly tradition of Christmas shopping at the BIG sales. Thursday night I hit up Old Navy and Michaels and then got up at 4am (yes I'm one of the crazy people) to go to Toys R Us, Target, and Bath & Body Works. I do like sleep but I also love getting things on sale! I figured out that this year I saved over $150 on Christmas presents which is well worth a few hours of sleep.

Following my successful shopping spree I arrived home to do some last minute cleaning and prepared for a Baby Shower! My good friend Sherry is having a baby girl in January and it was such a blessing to be able to co-host a shower with our friend Abby for her. Abby and I don't get to see Sherry that often because she lives in Indiana so it was great to spend more time with her and talk her through all the joys (and some of the hurdles) of parenting!

After the shower my mom and I headed out to a few more stores to get some more presents and by the end of the night I was equally pleased to know that my shopping was done and to go to bed! The next morning we packed up the kids and the 5 of us headed to Red Wing to prepare for Izzy's baptism. While in Red Wing my mom, Nick, Robert, and myself did some more shopping trying to find Christmas presents for Eric from my mom and Nick. After lots of shopping and lots of driving around we finally found the perfect gifts and were greeted at home by my Aunt Val, Uncle Paul, and cousins Pat and Parker. It was there first time meeting Izzy and they all enjoyed cuddling with her. That night Val, Eric, Nick, and I took Pat for his first casino experience and all left as winners...which if you've ever played at Treasure Island you know is a very, rare treat.

The next morning we were all up early to try to get 10 people ready for church and on time. Let's just say the family of four with 2 little kids succeeded better than the others... Church went well and Izzy managed to not cry during baptism so I say it was a SUCCESS! Following the service we all headed back to my mom's house with more family and friends for a brunch and to celebrate the big day for Isabel. Unfortunately after 3 long days out of her normal routine Izzy surprised us all by taking a really long nap and missing the entire party. She apologizes for that but here are some pictures of her big day.

Godmother Abby holding her during baptism
Family Picture
Grandparents with Izzy
Izzy's Godparents Abby and Sherry
Pastor Brian
High Fives with Uncle Nick!
Sunday night we still wanted to get a little more accomplished and at 7 started decorating the tree and the rest of the house. Luckily it didn't take too long and everyone but Eric was sleeping by 9pm. Robert had a little cold and fever Sunday night but seems to be doing better today and Izzy is finally getting caught back up on sleep after her long weekend. This week isn't too bad but I have a long weekend at work with meets, both my team and a rental meet, so it looks like rest will have to wait a little longer. Tomorrow Izzy turns 4 months old and gets to celebrate with visiting Dr. Dirks and shots. Hoping they go as well as her 2 month ones and we get our favorite nurse.
We hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and remembered all of the great things to be thankful for in our lives.

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Winter is here and I am less than thrilled by it. I am definitely a fall/spring girl and would love it if the temp stayed in the 70s year round but Minnesota's weather views things differently. Robert on the other hand is in love with the snow. He didn't play in it much last winter but couldn't wait for us to bundle him up and let him loose Saturday morning! Below are some pics of him (with the help of Dad) getting the sidewalk shoveled!

So proud of the work he did!

While the boys ventured outside us girls played inside. This week Izzy started grabbing onto her toys and now loves her play gym with all of the bright colors and toys. Definitely an improvement from hanging out in her bassinet during the day.

Another of Izzy's favorite things is her fingers!

She is constantly sucking on them and wants nothing
to do with her pacifier. Grandma Hempler said upon
first meeting her at the hospital that she'd be a
thumb sucker and it looks like she was correct! We're looking forward to a fun week. Tomorrow Grandma Hempler is coming to visit (and possibly another day this week as well since she's on vacation from work) and hang out with the kids so Eric can go into the office to get some uninterrupted work done! On Tuesday we'll go out to celebrate my baby brother's birthday (turns 27...eek! that makes it harder for me to claim I'm still 29) and see my mom who just returned from 2 weeks in Italy on Saturday. I'm also going in for a lasik eye consultation that afternoon. For those that don't know I'm very blind and have never liked wearing glasses. I have never minded my contacts but when I get up in the middle of the night with the kids it'd be great to not have to search for my glasses or to see the time without severe squinting! Let's hope I'm a candidate and that my Flex Spending money can be put to a great use in 2011.
Have a great week everyone!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Last of the Fall Days!

Earlier this week we started the big task of picking up our leaves. I love the big trees on our lot in the summer for the shade but the clean up in the fall is usually not a lot of fun. This year however it wasn't so bad because Robert made it very entertaining! He loved it when Eric would turn the blower on him and he'd get his own wind tunnel of leaves but I think his favorite part was running & jumping in the big piles. The pictures taken were from earlier this week but the 3 of us did get back out today (Izzy stayed inside for a long nap!) to pick up another batch in the front yard and get a good start on the back yard. We've got the leaves pretty much under control and are now just waiting for the trees to finish their dumpings and we'll hopefully be able to finish the big task next weekend...assuming the snow holds off!

In addition to getting work done outside we've all been busy inside as well. I had a long week with work that included a rental meet on the weekend and a trip to Moorhead for a swim meet. Luckily I have great student workers (thanks Molly and Kelley) who took on my normal role and were able to sit for the majority of the weekend at the meet to troubleshoot any problems and thus allowing me to be home this afternoon. Eric had a long week thanks to Robert. He is definitely reached the terrible twos and is testing his daddy's patience during the day. On top of that we were also down to 1 car for the first half of the week thanks to my car having a gas leak. It was towed in last Saturday from St. Kate's after not wanting to start, the check engine light flashing, and smoke pouring out from the rear on the drive back to work from a meet a few miles away. Not good and not a bill we wanted to pay!
The good news for the week is that Robert, who still limits his talking, shocked me last night when we were reading books and was able to point out every object I asked him to identify. Granted he's seen the books often but I had never asked him to do that before. I wasn't surprised for him to point out the puppy, shoes, ball items since he sees and/or uses that stuff daily but some of the trickier items that he correctly picked out shocked me. And then I must admit I got a little annoyed with my little man for STILL refusing to talk! Izzy also continues to grow and continues to be a great baby. She loves talking to us, yes only babbles but since she is only 3 months this is acceptable unlike her brother's babbles, smiling, and giggling. Izzy especially loves it when her brother gives her attention and you can already tell that he's her favorite...or at least until he tries to sit on her while she's on our lap or in her swing!
Okay time for bed so we can be ready for whatever life will throw at us this week!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween to all of our blog followers! The kids had a great time dressing up as a monkey and goldfish and getting lots of candy! Last year we just took Robert to some places in Red Wing for G'ma to show him off to her friends but this year we thought we'd try some trick-or-treating! Robert was so excited and loved leading the way to and from every door but at each door, after he'd ring the doorbell, he'd freeze up and the person at the door was lucky to get a smile. Towards the end of the trip he did loosen up a little bit and those that allowed him to pick his treat he'd try to grab a huge handful of candy...but mommy made him take just one. He was definitely a favorite in our neighborhood, not only because he's so cute but also because we tend to have a lot of older kids that come door-to-door that rarely have a real costume. It was a great night and we're excited for many more Halloweens and costumes to come!

The kids dressed up!
Such a happy fish!
(look back to October 2008 posts for pics of Robert as a grumpy fish)
Mommy & Robert Trick-or-Treating!

Earlier in the day Eric went to help his real estate group set up their new office so I decided to get some videos of Izzy. I tried to get some of her giggles and smiles but she would only cooperate when the camera was off. I did get some of her babbles however and of course Robert didn't want to be left out so he too is in the first video. Enjoy watching our little girl and how much she's grown in the past 3 months!

We hope all of you had a great Halloween and got more treats than tricks!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Pumpkin Carving!

Sorry for the missed post but the above picture shows what we (or at least Eric and I) all felt like. Going back full time along with 3 early morning practices each week finally caught up with me and with Eric in having the kids full time, but I think we're finally finding our groove now.

Robert also struggled for a few weeks with bedtime. My first week back to work he decided that his bedtime should be 2-3 hours later. So most nights he stayed up with dad while Izzy and I were fast asleep. Luckily he realized, or rather his body demanded sleep, that going to bed at 8 is an okay thing...well for a few nights anyway. The next fun quirk he threw our way is not sleeping in his bed. He kept falling asleep on the floor right by his door, we're guessing it was because he likes to look under the door to see what's going on and then he can also hear what's going on downstairs better. When I'd go up to bed and check on him I was barely able to get in his room and then would pick him up and put him back to bed...sometimes this process was repeated multiple times throughout the night. I've finally started putting a towel in front of his door so he can't see/hear anything and it seems to have kept him in his bed. Other than that he is full of curiosity and keeps us on our toes!

Izzy has outgrown her fussiness and is definitely a daddy's girl. He is the best at getting her to coo and giggle but she does same some smiles for her mommy too! She continues to be nothing like her brother (both when he was this age and him as a 2 year old) and have GREAT sleeping habits. She usually sleeps about 10-11 hours at night and on the nights when it is only 8 and she gets up at 4am I have to remind myself that it could be much worse and she could be getting up every 2-3 hours like Robert did at this stage. Time is going so fast with her and it is hard to believe she'll already be 3 months next week.

Robert continues to be a wonderful big brother. The other day when I got home from work Izzy was ready for a feeding and as I got her bottle ready Robert took over the chair where I normally sit to feed her. After asking him to move a few times I realized he wasn't going to budge so I asked him if he wanted to feed Izzy and he gave me a big grin along with some Robert words (the language only he understands) that I took to mean yes. So I set up the boppy, placed Izzy carefully in his arms and handed him the bottle. He loved helping out and posing for some pictures but unfortunately didn't make it through the entire bottle nor has he volunteered to help since!

This weekend was another busy one for us. Yesterday we had our college meet with a reception afterwards for the swimmers and their families and Eric brought the kids in. Robert did a good job at entertaining everyone and Izzy found some comfortable arms to cuddle into. Following the reception we caught the end of the St. Kate's soccer game and then headed in to catch part of the Volleyball game. From there we went to Olive Garden for a yummy dinner! Today continued to be a busy day for me. Eric needed some quiet time, by quiet I mean time away from the kids distracting him, to get some work done so he took off with the laptop for most of the afternoon and had an enjoyable and productive time at Buffalo Wild Wings. I on the other hand stayed home with the kids, did 4 loads of laundry, cleaned the kitchen, picked up the house, and enjoyed a few minutes of quiet time before the kids woke up from their naps. Productive afternoon for the both of us but I think Eric got the better end of the deal! After he got home and we all had dinner I decided that we needed to carve pumpkins. So Robert and I headed to Rainbow to get some pumpkins and then we began the adventure. Robert found the pumpkins to be really cool but didn't like touching the guts. Here are some pictures of our pumpkins!

Eww to the guts inside the pumpkins!
Finished Product!Eric's mouth is barely visible but I promise one is there!
We're excited for some trick-or-treating in the neighborhood next weekend with Robert. Check back next week to see how cute the kids are in their costumes!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Apple Orchard!

Of course the week I return to work is the week we have record high temps and gorgeous weather! Luckily I took most of the day off on Thursday to make up for a long day on Saturday and got to enjoy at least one day outside.

When I returned home from morning practice on Thursday Eric and I were talking about what we should do and decided that grocery shopping and cleaning the house could wait and we should find an apple orchard to visit instead. It was a great decision!! We went to Minnetonka Orchards in Minnetrista and were amazed at how great of a spot it was for little kids. (See the pictures below for all of the fun activities we enjoyed!) Robert had a blast and did NOT want to leave so we'll definitely be returning there next year. Izzy didn't get to do much but enjoyed being outdoors and we're sure that next year she'll be able to have a little more fun.

Walked the Trails
Ate some yummy Apple Donuts!
Went on a hayride
Played on and in a wooden train Saw some goats, rabbits, chickens,
a baby cow and horse
Rolled some pumpkins...well tried to anyway!
Today, after quite a few months I fell back into my normal Sunday routine...laundry, dishes, cleaning, taking out trash, and finding ways to occupy myself online while the boys (Uncle Nick was visiting) watched football all day. Not quite how I like to spend my one day off this week but at least I'll start the week with a clean house & clothes!