Robert had a fantastic 1st Valentine's Day and even though he won't remember Eric and I will have some good memories. My best friend Sherry's 30th birthday was also on Valentine's Day and her husband surprised her by flying her home to Minnesota. Eric, Robert, and I along with our good friends Abby, Mike and their daughter Lucy picked them up at the airport and then spent the afternoon together. Robert was excited to see his buddy Lucy again and to not have to spend his first V-day without a date!
That evening Sherry got another surprise when we went to dinner at Buca di Beppo and a bunch of her family members were there to join in on the celebrations. It was a fun night but trying to cram 17 adults, a 4 1/2 year-old, 2 two year-olds, and 3 babies ranging from 5 to 6 months in a crowded restaurant was definitely a challenge. Robert surprised Eric and I by being a perfect angel all night even though it was way past his bedtime. We were hoping that all the excitement from the day would tire hime out enough to sleep through the night but unfortunately that wasn't the case and we are beginning to wonder if he'll ever sleep for longer than 4 hour stretches.
We hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day and were able to spend it with someone special!

Sherry blowing out her candles!
Robert going in for a hug but gets poked in the eye instead!

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