This past weekend was my team's final meet of the year and what a meet it was. The team did amazing and ended up setting 8 new team records, and three of the girls qualified for nationals. Because of their great efforts I was honored as Coach of the Year and couldn't be prouder of my team for allowing me to receive this honor by doing such an amazing job. In result I've lost my voice, well not fully but enough to be quite annoying, and am still trying to find energy after an amazing 3 days. If anyone is interested in seeing the results they can be found at:
My team had a great year and I'm going to miss seeing the girls everyday but am excited to have more time at home with Robert and Eric. Eric too is excited to have me home more and I'm thinking Robert will enjoy having his mom home more but I could be wrong since Eric is definitely his favorite parent.
Even with my busy week we still found time to visit with family and friends. On Tuesday, Nick and Mandie came over for dinner and to spend some time with "us", meaning Robert. On Saturday one of Eric's friends was in the cities and they got to spend some time together and made a late night run to Canterbury after I got home from the meet at 11:00pm. And today we spent time in Farmington with Eric's family. His dad got really creative and we had a great meal (full of appetizers and yummy desserts) with a oriental theme. It was great food and fun to visit with all of them again. Robert's cousin Lyric was also there and spent a lot of time playing with her cousin. It is always so much fun to see them playing together.
Like always here are some pictures and a giggling video from the week. Hope you all have a great last week of February!
A Typical Toy Transition for Robert

A new favorite pic showing Robert looking out the window with Lyric!

Don't startle me while I'm eating!
Laughing Fun!
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