Today we took Robert in for his 2 month check up and it just confirmed that my baby is growing up! At birth he weighed 9lbs, 4oz and was 21 inches long and was in the 50th percentile. Today at almost 8 weeks he weighed in at 13lbs, 8oz and was 24 inches long and was in the low 90th percentile for both measurements. Eric can't wait for him to keep getting bigger so they can play together but I want him to stay little forever and always need/want his mommy and of course keep cuddling with me when it is time for sleep. I guess when he outgrows that stage we'll just have to give him a little brother or sister! Here are some pics to show you how much my little baby has grown in the past 8 weeks.

Robert's Birthday

My Little Man at 7 Weeks
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