I apologize to all of our loyal viewers for not updating our blog in awhile but we have had a long 2 weeks and are hoping for a better month in December. On Monday, November 17th we found out that Eric's Aunt Linda had passed away. The rest of the week was spent with family and remembering a great person. It was great to have all of the Hunt Family in Minnesota and we will all continue to live out Linda's motto that she adopted throughout all of her struggles with cancer..."Celebrate Life. Live with Hope." Here is a picture of her when she visited us in the hospital after Robert was born and one of Robert with his Great Grandparents.

On Sunday Eric and I were attempting to get caught up on laundry and other chores when I received a phone call from my uncle saying that my mom had been in a car accident on her way home from his cabin. So I quickly packed up the five of us (dogs included) and we headed down to Red Wing. During our drive we began to get more details about the accident and discovered that my mom was doing okay but her dog that she has had since 2002 ran away after the accident. So we quickly stopped by my mom's house to unload the car and drop the dogs off and headed off to Baldwin, Wisconsin where the accident occurred. It turns out that as my mom was approaching Baldwin on Hwy 63 a car blew a stop sign and crossed the road right in front of her. She had no time to respond and ended up hitting the car going about 55 mph. It is amazing that all people involved in the accident were able to walk away from the accident. My mom is doing good and only suffered from bruising and stiffness all over. We worried mostly about her back, since she had just undergone her second surgery in less than 2 years a few months ago, but she insisted that was the one part of her body that didn't hurt. The sad thing is that my mom's dog Vegas is still missing. Eric, my brother, and family friends searched for him on both the day of the accident and the next day along with posting fliers all over Baldwin. We keep hoping that he'll turn up soon so that my mom has her little buddy back. We stayed in Red Wing until Tuesday night to drive mom to the doctor, insurance agents, and look for new cars. Here are some pictures of her car following the accident.

On Wednesday we went to St. Peter to help pack up my Grandpa who moved to a new assisted living place in Wisconsin near my uncles house. He suffers from Alzheimer's and it was getting to be too much on mom my mom and uncle to have him living so far away. The move will hopefully be good for him and he'll get to go to all of my cousins' sporting events to keep him busy. While in St. Peter Robert spent the day with his Great Aunt Sally, Great Uncle Joe, and cousin Chad.

On Thursday we were able to stick to our original plans and have both the Hempler's and the Roberts' over for dinner. It was the first time either Eric or I had cooked the Thanksgiving meal but I must say I'm quite impressed with our abilities. It was a great day to just relax, play some Wii, and to be around our family at a time when we have so much to be thankful for.

To what we hope is the end of our long 2 weeks the three of us are battling colds. Robert's started Sunday night in Red Wing and he has been congested and coughing ever since. Eric and I started to get sore throats on Wednesday and it has now progressed in to full head colds. Not exactly how I wanted to spend my holiday but I know that we will all survive. I had been dreading Robert's first cold but have been so impressed with my little baby. Even though he is obviously sick he still keeps giving mommy and daddy smiles and hasn't been too fussy. I just hope this continues every time he is sick. Here is a picture of my happy sick baby!

1 comment:
We are so sorry for your loss and are happy your mom is doing well! What an exhausting couple of weeks - let us know if you need anything! We are thinking of you all!
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