Sunday, February 3, 2013

Update...only a few months behind!

I do apologize to all of our loyal blog followers for the lack of updates this winter.  Between Eric being busier, me being pregnant and in season, and two little ones keeping us always on the move this got moved to a lower priority.  But with the superbowl on and me only needing to pay attention to the commercials I thought it was time to download all the photos on my phone and update the blog!  I promise once the new baby arrives I'll post more!!
Speaking of the baby we found out at the end of October that we were expecting a boy!  Eric and I couldn't have been more shocked at the ultrasound and Robert, who joined us, was a little disappointed that he wasn't getting a baby sister.  We thought for sure this one was going to be a girl, to add a little challenge to our lives, (even though we love Izzy the Princess she can be a lot of work...nothing saying a boy can't be the same but for now we are happy with having a boy-girl-boy family) and when the technician asked if I could tell what it was I only remember squinting at the tiny screen and saying "is that a penis?"  Honestly we were shocked but couldn't be happier for a baby boy. 

I have always heard that every pregnancy was different but aside from different morning sickness symptoms and a different delivery my pregnancies with both Robert and Izzy were pretty similar.  I should have known when I couldn't match the morning sickness symptoms this time around to either of the other two that I was in for a different experience.  This by far has been my hardest pregnancy and after more frequent doctor trips, including a couple of hours in labor & delivery last night, I am now just hoping to make it as close to my due date as possible and avoid bedrest.  Right now my goal is to just avoid bedrest through our confernce meet February 14-16 and then we will go from there.  Luckily I have a great team and between my athletes and the other coaches I am being well taken care of and think it is more the hot, humid environment that my uterus doesn't like.  The good news is that the baby is doing great and is right on be a big baby like his siblings.  I believe he is just trying to teach me that I can't always do everything and sometimes need to ask for help...even if that means it might not all get done to my liking. 

Random Photos from the Fall through Present!!
Bubbles taste nummy!
Mom got her foot stuck on our trip to Abbotsford, WI for my cousin Parker's babies baptism!
What's a baptism without a bagpipe?!

Nick practicing holding a baby again!
Robert and Cooper playing at St. Kate's during a soccer game!
Trunk or Treat at the kids' daycare
Happy Halloween from our Lil' Monkey and Thomas!
 They do get along every once in awhile!!

Browsing the Black Friday Ads!
Our Christmas Card!!
My 2 goof balls!

Robert and Lucy playing in Grandma's chair
Checking out the train display in Red Wing
The kids Christmas Program...both were a little shy!
My Christmas Cookie Helpers

Trying to help pick a name for the baby!
This was taken the day the kids came home from school and found the Christmas decorations
put away.  Robert was a little upset to find out he had another 360 days until Christmas came again!
Izzy thought her new slippers should eat dinner instead of her!
Happy Birthday Mom!
A trip to the MN Zoo!!
Thanks Mary and Larry for the awesome season pass for our family!!!
Today we went to my friend Abby's house so the kids could play with Cooper
and I could go through some of the baby stuff they were getting rid of.  Luckily
they had a car seat (ours just expired in December) and a few other goodies that will
be perfect for the baby.  That is if Izzy decides to share her new rocking chair!
Our silly girl who is growing up way too fast for my liking!  Eric doesn't mind as much though...
The kids fell asleep last night waiting for us to return from the hospital.
Thank you to Mary for rushing over to watch them while we went in!!
A lazy morning in bed while we hung out in bed reading/playing on the iPad/iPhone
Poor Eric got booted from the bed as the kids claim his spot!!

 So that sums up what we've been up to since our last post and the timing is perfect as the football game just ended and a sign for me to go to bed.  We'll try to post again before the baby but if it doesn't happen know that once our little boy arrives we will definitely post again. 

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