Sorry to our loyal viewers for the break from posts. We've been busy and battling colds and the blog got put on the back burner. The week after Easter both kids and Eric came down with bad colds. Robert's turned into an ear infection and all three suffered through runny noses and hacky coughs. I had been doing great and after a week of them all healthy I thought I was in the clear but unfortunately the bug caught up with me this last week. Oh well at least we weren't all sick at the same time but I'm hoping it doesn't cycle back through!

At the end of April our little girl turned 9 months and we've sure noticed a lot of changes over the last month. She is a lot more active and always on the move. She rarely will sit still and loves to
scootch around (not quite a crawl) all over the house or her crib. She also has mastered the walker and loves the new freedom she gets from being in it. She loves feeding herself and is starting to dislike being fed her baby food. She now has all four of her front teeth and all four have come in during the last 3 weeks! Pretty fast but nice to keep the drool to one time period...until the next batch starts up. She still is fascinated with her brother and luckily he is showing a little more love for her too. He loves going into her room to greet her when she wakes up from naps or in the morning and has started to play with her. She LOVES the attention she gets from him! And as you can see from the picture above she also enjoys playing with Robert's toys...which he somewhat tolerates! At her 9 month check-up we learned that she is growing the opposite of her brother, except for head size...still in the 90
th percentile. She is our tall and lean little girl and weighed in at 18pounds 13 ounces to put her in the 50
th percentile but was 29 inches long putting her in the 91st percentile.

This past Friday was Dew Drop Bop, the annual end of the year party St. Kate's holds for students, faculty, and staff. I brought Robert to it and he had fun hanging out with his two favorite babysitters (Kelley and Molly). He also enjoyed the treats. Above you see him eating an ice cream sandwich and he also sampled a little cotton candy before the night was done. Which also meant he was on a SUPER sugar high when we got home and had Eric and I laughing hysterically. Going to bed was a different story and something he fought but we did manage to get his teeth brushed and only faced a small meltdown at bedtime.

Robert's favorite part of the bop was the big slide!
He giggled the entire way down and got to go twice...once with each of his girls!
Sampling the cotton candy while in my office

Today I had to work again but Eric was able to take the kids to Farmington to visit with a bunch of the Hunt family. Many relatives made the trip to MN to celebrate Eric's Uncle Tom's retirement from teaching and it provided a chance for the kids to see their family that they don't see very often. I heard that they had a great time and I'm sorry I missed out on the fun and the sunny day! Both Robert and Eric had a bit of pink on their faces after spending time outside playing with Tobias and Shane. :) I'd post pictures from today but Eric was with the kids and thus no photos were taken....

Tonight Nick joined us and had a cigar on the deck with Eric. Robert enjoyed a little more outdoor time before going to bed and I just enjoyed the fresh air...well what wasn't filled with cigar smoke. Izzy had gone to bed early but I enjoyed the evening with my 3 favorite guys!

This coming weekend Robert and I will be heading to Wisconsin to celebrate my cousin Parker's high school graduation while Eric and Iz have a father-daughter weekend. It should be a great time and we'll see which parent takes more pictures to post on the blog next weekend. Hope everyone has a great weeek!
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