Today my baby cousin Parker graduated from high school and Robert and I made the trip to Abbotsford, WI to celebrate the big day. Our travels started on Thursday when Eric and Izzy dropped us off in Shakopee to meet up with my mom. Robert was able to sleep in the car and loved playing outdoors at Grandma's once we arrived. Later that afternoon I left to teach CPR and First Aid to the pool staff in Red Wing while Robert stayed home to help G'ma pack!
On Friday morning we headed for Wisconsin. We were bringing back my Uncle's trailer and that in itself was a big adventure. The night before we hooked it up to the car but had to call Paul to make sure we were doing it correctly since neither my mom or I had hooked one up before. We were impressed with ourselves for it only taking 10 minutes to back out of my mom's driveway...dang thing kept turning the opposite way and even were able to swing into Caribou for some yummy treats to kick start our energy. Robert had a good trip, watched two videos and got a nap in for the day.
Once we arrived at the Knautz home we had a quick lunch and then got to work decorating the garage for the grad party. Luckily both my cousins were around to entertain Robert! He had a great afternoon of running around outside with the boys and Parker's girlfriend.
Today we started our day early and checked out the hotel's continental breakfast. Not the biggest selection but the bagels were good for me and Robert loved the chocolate mini donuts! A little later in the morning when my mom headed back to help out with party stuff Robert and I went for a swim. Robert wasn't too sure about going swimming at first, I think because it was a tad chilly, but eventually came around and had a blast! After showering (the hotel room didn't have a bathtub which was another fun experience with Robert) and getting dressed we headed off to Parker's graduation ceremony. I loved how short and sweet it was and then it was time to party!! Robert played with Ken (a cousin on Val's side) for most of the afternoon and since Ken is a year younger he introduced him to getting dirty and splashing in puddles! Luckily for Ken's parents he didn't master the skill as well as Robert whose socks and shoes were (and still are) soaked.
Now I'm hoping Robert will get a good night sleep, since he's been running on fumes with shorter to no naps and not sleeping as much at night, and then we'll head home tomorrow morning and meet up with Eric and Izzy in Hudson. It has been a great weekend and I'm so glad we could be here to celebrate the big day for Parker!
Robert watching videos at a rest stop in Wisconsin

Watching Uncle Paul mow but too chicken to ride with him!

Decorating Crew!

Playing with Parker and Bianca

A must needed stop at Hawkeye Dairy after our work on Friday!

Parker and my Mom!

My CLEAN boy with white socks at the start of the party

Running around the yard with Ken

Let the teaching of puddle stomping begin...

Puddles-0 / Robert - 1

Shooting hoops with Pat...couldn't get the video to turn (SORRY!)