Eric is trying to relearn the life of a newborn and Izzy doesn't like to make things easy for her daddy. I know in time, hopefully before I return to work, they'll figure each other out! For now we're both enjoying being home together and being able to tag team the two kids.
Robert adjusted immediately into his new role of big brother and is a great little helper at throwing away diapers and getting the bottle or pacifier when ever Izzy fusses. He is constantly checking on her and wanting to see what she is up to. The only thing we need to keep working on is the learning of what gentle means.
Isabel is a great baby even if Eric says otherwise. At night she usually sleeps at least 3 hour stretches, of course when I bragged about this yesterday she rebelled and slept only 2 hour stretches. The only unexpected thing that occured is her feeding. I had planned on breastfeeding but encountered the same problems with her as I did with Robert only much sooner. When Robert was around 3 weeks old I noticed that my supply wasn't a lot and had to start supplementing a lot with formula. This time we had to start supplementing at the hospital due to her losing a lot of weight and the refusal to latch on. When leaving the hospital the plan was that as soon as my milk came in I'd pump and feed her breastmilk instead of formula. Well that night my milk came in but when I'd pump I'd only get about 1/2 ounce total. When we went in to the doctor for her weight check-up my doctor said that the frustration I was experiencing with producing such little milk combined with the time it was taking away from being with both Izzy and Robert it would probably be best to just do all formula for feedings. I wish for both health reasons and budget reasons I was able to breastfeed but I know this was the best decision for our family and Izzy is thriving because of it.

The first day Robert met Izzy at the hospital he wasn't too sure of her but that could have had a lot to do with running on little sleep from helping Uncle Nick move over the past two days. Luckily when he came back to see her at the hospital on Saturday he was a lot more excited to meet his sister. Above you see him giving her a first, of many, kisses. He is definitely going to be a great and protective brother.
Izzy is so cute!! We'll have to figure out a time to visit soon - school starts in a few weeks! We can't wait to meet her!
We'd love to see you guys too! This week isn't the best for us but how does next week look for you? We can either come to you or you can come here!
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