So what have we been up to you ask? This past week we wanted to free up some room in our basement which included getting rid of our exercise bike and elliptical. I rarely like going to the basement to work out and have equipment at work to use and Eric is doing P90x and doesn't really need or want the stuff anymore so we brought them to my mom. Her treadmill was on its last legs so she was happy to take ours! It was our first overnight trip with Robert sleeping in a big boy bed and it was a little bit of a challenge since my mom's house is filled with lots of things kids love to grab but really shouldn't play with. After a struggle and 2+ hours past his bedtime we finally worked out a plan for him to sleep with my mom in her bed. It worked okay but she didn't appreciate him getting up at 6am! While we were there we went to the park to play on the awesome kid's playground. I sat with Izzy while my mom played with Robert and Eric played with his new camera. Later that evening we got together with our friend Abby and her daughter Lucy. Lucy was very interested in Izzy but did play a little with Robert as well. It was great seeing everyone but it was also nice to come home.

This past weekend my brother came over to hang out with us and do some minor repairs on both of our computers. Robert loves hanging out with his Uncle but Nick learned the hard way that it might be time to learn how to change diapers...Robert was laying on Nick for awhile (as seen in the picture below) and Robert's diaper was fuller than we thought and he leaked a little on Nick. Eric and I thought it was funny, Nick thought differently!
Last week we also took both kids to a park in Golden Valley. Eric likes taking Robert to this one more than the ones a block from our house because there is more equipment for Robert to play on. We had a good time until Robert fell off one of the slides (he was okay except for a little scraped forehead) and Izzy became really fussy.

And two weeks ago we traveled to Farmington for dinner at Eric's parents' house. Eric's Grandma and Aunt Jan made a trip up from Iowa to meet Izzy and we had a great meal and even better time visiting with them. As you can see below Carlyn enjoyed meeting her newest

The other big accomplishment is we finally have Robert's bedroom fully decorated thanks to some shelves, pictures, and wall decals from Target. Everything is up a little higher than where you'd normally place things but with a very active toddler who loves to climb on things we thought this was a safe height. Here is the final product!

On top of all of that Eric and I also got to go out on a date this past weekend. One of my wonderful student-workers said she missed my kids and I told her that she could visit anytime. One thing led to another and before I knew it she and her fiance were babysitting so Eric and I could go out on a date. We went to The Melting Pot for dinner and had a great time. Fondue wasn't quite Eric's thing but he was a good sport. After that we ran errands to Lowes, Home Depot, Barnes & Noble, and Target...nothing too exciting but it was nice to do it without a kid or two slowing us down! Thanks Molly and Jess for a great night and I apologize again for Izzy's fussiness.
We are adjusting pretty well to being a family of four with a toddler who is definitely entering his Terrible Twos and a little girl who seems to have a case of Colic. Some days are better than others but luckily Eric and I still have our humor...and like I said I get to start going back to work part time so I'll be free from the house and chaos. My poor husband won't have this escape but this is just one more reason why I love him so much for his patience and ability to stay home with the kids! It is also a good thing that I can monitor Facebook from work to see if he is going crazy and I need to hurry home to relieve him!