Next on the agenda was to bring up the baby stuff from the basement, wash all of the bedding & clothes for Izzy, and finish the preparations on her room. After a lot of work the room is done, clothes are clean and all of the baby stuff is back upstairs. Along with this I have our bags packed for the hospital so we are ready for our little girl to arrive. Last week I had about 2 hours of consistent and long lasting contractions (2 minutes +) and thought for sure our little girl was about to arrive since I never had contractions with Robert until I was in actual labor, even during my failed induction. I of course hadn't completed all of the above tasks yet so after quickly packing for the hosptal and getting a few other odds & ends done the contractions stopped. UGH! My daughter is already testing me!!!
At my 36-week check up, which happened to be the day after the 2 hours of contractions, I learned that the contractions caused no dilation so any hopes of her coming soon flew out the window. I also learned that for some reason I was measuring ahead again (at 38 instead of 36) and there was a trace of protein in my urine but my blood pressure was fine so they don't think it is pre-eclampsia yet. The only good news from the appointment was that after a quick ultrasound we were able to see that she is head down but not engaged. I start weekly appointments now so we will see what my appointment on Tuesday brings.
To cap off all of our hard work over the past 2 weeks we joined in some of the Whiz Bang Days festivities for Robbinsdale. Robert, we learned after the fact, had a fever on Friday and didn't enjoy the carnival as much as we'd hoped. His fever lasted through yesterday and finally broke this morning. We're not sure if he picked up a virus or if it is his molars coming in. He's been chewing on his hands a lot and drooling more so we're hoping it was his teeth. Enjoy the pictures of our projects and fun over the last 2 weeks.

We hope everyone has a great week and I HOPE that soon we'll have a post introducing you to our new member of the family. We'll be working around some challenging schedules with everyone on vacation so Izzy better cooperate and not arrive while Eric's parents travel to Missouri at the end of this week, while my doctor is at a convention all next week, and when my brother is out of town the following weekend. Basically the best time for Izzy to come is this week, well after July 26th would work too but 2 weeks seems WAY TOO LONG at this point in the pregnancy.
1 comment:
You have our number. Call if you need help!!
It's almost time!!
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