Sunday morning was a little more relaxing and spent mostly indoors because of the icky humidity that had moved in. Mom, Robert, and I all spent a good portion of the morning napping while the bigger boys played on their computers. That evening Eric, Robert, and I went to visit my good high school friends. Sherry and her hubby Mark were in town for the long weekend and so we went for dinner at her mom's house and our friend Abby and her daughter Lucy joined us as well. We had a great meal (thanks to Mark for grilling the shish-kabobs) and were even able to somewhat get Lucy and Robert to eat a little, they especially enjoyed dessert time! It was great to see everyone and for Robert and Lucy to hang out. I really treasure the time we get to spend together and just wish we were all closer and could do it more often.
This morning we headed home to get a little work done around the house before another crazy work week starts. Robert enjoyed being home so much that he took a 4 hour nap! It kind of ruined our plans of going grocery shopping but it was nice to spend some time relaxing without any agendas before going back to work tomorrow.
Here are some pictures from the weekend and a video of Robert at swim lessons last week. We hope everyone had a safe and wonderful holiday weekend and were able to take a little time to thank our troops for all they do to keep us safe!

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