we'd do a recap of the festivities!
Christmas gifts for Robert ~ $75,
Gas traveling to relatives ~ $90,
Knowing that there are really 4 people in this picture ~ PRICELESS
Knowing that there are really 4 people in this picture ~ PRICELESS

The baby is due on August 2nd and of course I didn't learn my lesson from Robert and am hoping to go towards the end of July instead. Either way I'll have a lot more time off this time around before my swim season starts up again which I'm sure Eric will appreciate! We will again be finding out the gender but that will have to wait until the middle of March when we get an ultrasound done. As of now everything is measuring on schedule and no signs of problems. I'm hoping that as I finish up the 1st trimester the morning sickness symptoms will disappear...which by the way were completely different than with Robert so possibly a girl this time around?
Congrats to everyone!!
I know I commented on FB about this, but I am so freaking excited and happy for you!! Congratulations again!!
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