This week was a pretty relaxing one and not having any meets this weekend sure made for a nice break. I actually don't have another meet until we return from our training trip in January. We did finally see some snow this week and above you see Robert peering out the window wondering what was up with all the white stuff. Those that know me know that I'm not a big fan of winter and as much as I like the look of snow I don't appreciate the colder weather or the much longer commute to and from work.

Saturday was busy but filled with lots of fun. We began the day by grocery shopping then Nick and Mandie came over to visit. That visit didn't start off the best because Robert was scared of my brother and started crying. It was funny to the rest of us and showed Uncle Nick that he needs to visit more often! The rest of the time went well and Nick redeemed himself by showing Robert some cool tricks with a football. Mandie and I also baked some yummy cookies for our boys which they really like (we do too!). Above you see Robert trying to be a big boy by wearing Auntie Mandie's boots. He wasn't able to walk in them but it was still cute!
That night we went to my assistant coach's house for a Christmas party and had a lot of fun meeting new people. It was great to see their new house and for Robert to get to play with some new friends.

Today we did absolutely NOTHING! Well that isn't true as we did take some naps, watched the Vikings win, and a little laundry. It was nice to hang out and not have to worry about going anywhere or being on time for anything. What a great day!
This coming week is the last with my team for a couple of weeks which means my workload will ease up a little bit. On Thursday Robert and I will be going with my mom and brother to Wisconsin to visit with my Grandpa and the Knautz relatives. My Grandpa's alzheimers is getting worse and we are pretty sure that he won't remember anyone but my mom but he loves little kids so we know seeing Robert will be a great treat. Eric is staying home to watch the dogs and for some much needed rest from a busy couple of months with Robert and dealing with my busy schedule.
Have a great week everyone!
1 comment:
Aww.. how cute. I laughed a little at the part where he wore those boots. But still, it's kinda sad to see that your grandpa's Alzheimer's is getting worse. Then again, it's good to see that you're still making him happy.
-Alice Byrne
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