This week Robert turned 15 months and with that honor comes a trip to the doctor to be weighed and measured followed by 3 shots. The shots weren't so much fun but it is always nice to check in with the doctor to make sure everything is on track. He weighed in at 29.1 pounds, putting him in the 93.89 percentile; he was 31.75 inches long, 70.39 percentile; and his head circumference is in the 99 percentile...still no surprise to me! Percent wise his weight and head stayed the same but his height moved up quite a bit. This is good news because he's been wearing 18 month tops but only 12 month pants because they were so long on him...the problem is that his pants are getting a little tight around the belly so we're excited for some new pants from Santa (aka Auntie Mandie). The doctor says he looks great but we need to work a little more on learning some new words because grunting and pointing doesn't expand one's vocabulary.
15 Months!!!
Thursday through Saturday were busy days for us this week. Thursday morning after my 6am practice I picked up my brother and then headed back home to pick up my mom and Robert for a trip to Wisconsin. My Grandpa and Aunt & Uncle live in Abbotsford and with my Grandpa's health fading we knew that the only way we'd get to see him this holiday season was to make the trip. I was really glad that we did and even though he didn't remember who Nick and I were nor could he make the connection (alzheimer's is in its final stages) to how we were related to him it was great to see him smile and play with Robert. It was a great trip even if Robert didn't get any naps that day and was up every 10-15 minutes from 4am on. Here are some pictures from our trip!
Reading to pass the time on the long drive

Nick, Robert, Grandpa and Me

3 Generations!
Can you tell someone needs a nap...

G'pa pushing Robert in his wheelchair. Robert loved it and it allowed for him to keep snacking on his cheerios as we went back to G'pa's room.

Playing at my Aunt & Uncle's house. The dogs might be finding surprises in their kennel for days to come but it was more fun than napping!

Chilling with Uncle Nick and Tyson

We returned home Friday afternoon and I took a nap while Eric played with Robert. Well actually he tried to get him to nap but our son was way too tired by this point and therefore couldn't calm down enough to sleep. That night we decided we'd try our first attempt at a family movie night. I made popcorn bowls with a few m&m's for each of us and we sat down to watch Frosty the Snowman. Robert did pretty good and sat through the first half of the movie until he realized there were m&m's at the bottom of his popcorn. He then dumped the popcorn out to get at them and then attacked our bowls to get the candy treats. It was still a fun time and the dogs didn't mind cleaning up the floor after Robert.

Saturday continued to be busy as we left home around 9 to head down to Farmington. I dropped the boys off at Eric's parents house and headed to my friend Abby's house to bake cookies. We were quite successful and made peanut butter blossoms and sugar cookies. It was a lot of fun and I also got to play a little with her 6 month old son Cooper. He is so cute and so tiny compared to my lil' man. After the cookies were cool and the frosting hardened enough to transport I headed back to the Hempler Home for a yummy meal cooked by Larry. I also was able to put in my requests for Christmas Eve dinner so Thursday promises to be another great meal!!!
That was pretty much our excitement for the week which we know was busy but nothing like the holiday celbrations we have in store Wednesday-Sunday this week! We hope everyone has safe travels and a Very Merry Christmas!