The only downside to the week is that I somehow managed to hurt my foot. Luckily one of my good friends is our athletic trainer so she has been giving me some TLC but I sure missed her today. I'm not sure what I did but after standing on it for practice and a Volleyball game on Friday night it was quite sore. Then I stood on it at my team's meet yesterday and afterwards through the rest of the night it hurt really bad. I was then stupid today and ignored my hubby and thought I'd be fine to go grocery shopping...BIG mistake. I've never been in so much pain, ok maybe giving birth to Robert was worse but not by much. I learned my lesson and spent the rest of the day with my foot up and I'm hoping that Abby (trainer) will have a magical cure for it tomorrow besides sending me off for x-rays.
Anyway onto the part of the blog everyone wants to of Robert!
With the weather being so cold Robert has gotten stir crazy and found his way into our tupperware cupboard this afternoon after the child lock failed. Here he sits so proud of his mess!

Yesterday after I got home from my meet and Eric returned from his open house we (ok Eric because my foot hurt) tackled the leaves. Robert wasn't too sure about them and there were a few tears shed when he fell down and couldn't figure how to get back up.
Not quite steady footing!

Daddy working, Robert investigating

Hmmm...maybe this isn't so bad!

For the last two weeks Robert has been carrying his pumpkin around to get ready for trick-or-treating and has it pretty much figured out. Now we'll see how he does this weekend. We'll be going to Red Wing for the big day since we don't really know anyone around Robbinsdale and my mom has LOTS of friends to show her grandson off to. Stay tuned next week for pics of Robert in his Halloween costume...and now he won't be a fish this year, I tried but Eric said no!

Where's the candy?!?

1 comment:
Great pictures Nicole! I hope your foot feels better and that your friend can help you!
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