A few days ago when changing Robert's diaper I noticed a bump on his bum right at the top of his crack. Today when changing him I saw that the bump was bigger and decided that I should call the doctor to get it checked out. I thought I was just being a paranoid mom but it turns out that it was a good thing to call.
I was able to get in for the last appointment of the day with our normal doctor so off Robert and I went. Eric is in Duluth for the night to take a test tomorrow to reactivate his realtor's license so we were on our own. By the way, it is much easier going to the doctor's office with 2 parents!!
The doctor still isn't sure what it is but thinks it could be 1 of 3 things.
The first, and the one that matches the most symptoms, is a Pilonidal Cyst. The only reason the doctor is doubting it is that he has never heard of it occurring in young children. The only way to fix it, if this is what it is, is surgery. In researching it once I got home it does sound like a simple procedure but that doesn't make it any better.
The second option would be strep. Children under the age of 2 get strep in the bum and those over the age of 2 get it in the mouth. Who knew?!? Unfortunately the doctor doesn't really think this is what it is and the quick strep test came back negative but we'll see what the culture says tomorrow.
The third option is Cellulitis. Which is a skin infection caused by bacteria growing under the skin. The only reason they aren't thinking this is what is going on is because usually there is an opening, or at least I think that is what the doctor said. Hard to concentrate when you have an overly tired child pulling on you! Robert had a bad diaper rash early last week and the doctor thinks that an infection could have occurred at that time.
So as of now we are treating it like it is Cellulitis and Robert has to take Amoxicillin 2x a day for the next 10 days. If for some reason it is strep, still crossing my fingers, the treatment would also be the same. If in 10 days the bump isn't better we will go back to our doctor and then probably be referred to a pediatric surgeon.
Robert is acting fine and currently chasing the dogs around the house...hopefully wearing himself and them out so we all get some sleep tonight and oblivious to mom crying at the thought of her baby having surgery. I wish Eric was home but I know that there isn't anything we can do until we give the medicine a chance to work.
I'll be sure to update as I know more but for now please keep Robert in your prayers and hope that the Amoxicillin does it's job so we don't have to go back to the doctor's office until is 1 year check-up.
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