So last week Robert learned how to pull himself up to a standing position and this week he learned that if there is an obstacle in his way instead of going around it he will go over it. He has turned everything he comes in contact with (people, dogs, furniture) into his own personal Jungle Gym. Luckily he also learned how to get down from a standing position this week so bed/naptime hasn't been as bad. Here are some pictures of him crawling on different items throughout the week.

Apollo was on Robert's Rug so Robert climbed on him, luckily Apollo is very patient with him and didn't even growl during the process!

Pulling on his ears...Poor Apollo

Climbing on Grandpa while they babysat him on Tuesday

On Wednesday Robert made the trip to Red Wing with me so I could teach my last night of Lifeguarding recerts (Grandma missed him and wanted him there too). Eric and I keep telling my mom she needs to baby proof since Robert is into everything. She has done a pretty good job but with the empty shelf on this stand it made way for Robert to climb on up.

Yep, definitely going to have our hands full!
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