This week was a warm one and luckily we didn't let the 90 degree temps keep us from enjoying the outdoors. We bought a little kiddy pool for the deck and during the day Robert got to splash around and if at night it had cooled down enough we went to the park. A great week even with Robert's two top teeth coming in. I'm pretty sure we'll still be having teething issues this week as it looks like the next front teeth are ready to pop through the gums. What fun!
This weekend we were busy with seeing family. Friday night Uncle Nick and Aunt Mandie came over to see Robert (it had been almost 2 weeks!) and we had fun grilling dinner, visiting the park, snacking on ice cream, and watching the twins game. Today Eric's parents and niece came over along with his cousin Karin who was in town for her college reunion at the U of MN. We were celebrating Mary's birthday and had a great time visiting, eating a yummy brunch, and playing some games with Lyric. During their visit Robert also debuted his next milestone and began standing on his own. Earlier in the week he also started to babble a lot more. It is fun seeing the changes and I was glad to be the first to witness the standing milestone today, since usually Eric gets the joys of seeing everything first.
This week will be a busy one with work, a band concert, Eric taking his real estate test to start a new career (one that will still allow him to be at home with Robert!), and traveling to Red Wing for the weekend to celbrate the 4th.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
All I want for Father's Day is my 2 Front Teeth!
Today was Eric's first father's day and unfortunately all we wanted to do to celebrate the big day was sleep. Robert started cutting his top teeth earlier in the week and last night the pain must have finally got to him. Eric and I had gone to the Twins game and while home with a babysitter he started to get more and more fussy. When we got home we thought he just needed his mommy & daddy to calm him down and fall asleep but we were wrong. Finally after some baby motrin, another bottle, and off and on crying for over an hour he went to sleep.
From the horror stories we had heard with teething we know we are pretty lucky but the timing of his new teeth coming in could have been a little better so Eric could have enjoyed today a little more. We did have a yummy breakfast (French Toast and Eggs) but the rain ruined our grilling plans tonight so we made a frozen pizza. Luckily before the rain set in we did get to the park and had fun on the swings!
We hope all of the dads and dads to be had a great Father's day and we wish you all a great week!
From the horror stories we had heard with teething we know we are pretty lucky but the timing of his new teeth coming in could have been a little better so Eric could have enjoyed today a little more. We did have a yummy breakfast (French Toast and Eggs) but the rain ruined our grilling plans tonight so we made a frozen pizza. Luckily before the rain set in we did get to the park and had fun on the swings!
We hope all of the dads and dads to be had a great Father's day and we wish you all a great week!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
9 Months!!!
Today Robert turned 9 months and it has left us wondering where the time has gone. We are enjoying all of the fun changes we see coming through each day but missing our little baby at the same time. At his 9 month check-up we found that Robert is still a healthy, growing boy. His new stats are: Weight - 22lb 11oz (82%), Height - 2'5" (77%), and Head Circumference 19" (99%). Our doctor told us that head size relates to brain size so we are just hoping that means Robert will be especially smart and be able to support his mommy and daddy with the life of luxury in the future! Robert is now cleared to eat almost anything that can be cut up small and easy for him to eat. He has been enjoying meat and dairy the past few days and we are excited to leave the baby food stage and move into real food!
We had a busy weekend and are looking forward to some rest and relaxation next weekend as we celebrate Father's Day. Yesterday we spent the afternoon/evening in the southern metro by visiting one of my friends in the hospital who just had a baby (Congrats Abby and Steve!!) and running errands while Robert spent time helping G'pa Hempler with his lawnwork. We then joined Eric's family for dinner and had a great time.
Today we are the run and Robert is definitely sick of his carseat. We took off this morning for Mankato to go to a cousin's grad party and had a lot of fun visiting with relatives until Robert's good temper wore off and he was in DESPERATE need for a nap. So we packed up and headed back for the cities (luckily he slept on the way home unlike the trip down). Once back at home we had a quick meal and then packed up for Eric's first band concert. The concert tonight was at Como Park and it was a lot of fun. We had hoped that Robert would nap during the concert but no such luck. He was a very good boy though and had fun laughing and dancing throughout the time...but I don't think we'll be going to all of the concerts because he was definitely a handful. If anyone is interested in attending one of the concerts (all are in various parks throughout the cities) let us know and we'll get you the schedule or coordinate a time to go together.
We had a busy weekend and are looking forward to some rest and relaxation next weekend as we celebrate Father's Day. Yesterday we spent the afternoon/evening in the southern metro by visiting one of my friends in the hospital who just had a baby (Congrats Abby and Steve!!) and running errands while Robert spent time helping G'pa Hempler with his lawnwork. We then joined Eric's family for dinner and had a great time.
Today we are the run and Robert is definitely sick of his carseat. We took off this morning for Mankato to go to a cousin's grad party and had a lot of fun visiting with relatives until Robert's good temper wore off and he was in DESPERATE need for a nap. So we packed up and headed back for the cities (luckily he slept on the way home unlike the trip down). Once back at home we had a quick meal and then packed up for Eric's first band concert. The concert tonight was at Como Park and it was a lot of fun. We had hoped that Robert would nap during the concert but no such luck. He was a very good boy though and had fun laughing and dancing throughout the time...but I don't think we'll be going to all of the concerts because he was definitely a handful. If anyone is interested in attending one of the concerts (all are in various parks throughout the cities) let us know and we'll get you the schedule or coordinate a time to go together.
Before hitting up the grad party we stopped at
my Aunt Sally and Uncle Joe's house to visit with
them and my cousin Chad. Robert took the time
to play peek-a-boo in some Red Wing Pottery!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Last Swimming Lesson
Tonight was Robert's last swim lesson but since Eric had band rehearsal and I had to teach at St. Kate's we had to find someone to take our place. Luckily my mom, brother, and sister-in-law were willing to step in. Robert was well behaved, we were a little worried because he was up most of the night and didn't have a great day for naps.
Mom and Nick got in the water with our sleepy boy while Mandie took some photos and videos. Here is a recap of their night!
Nice face Nick!
Mom and Nick got in the water with our sleepy boy while Mandie took some photos and videos. Here is a recap of their night!

Playing catch with Uncle Nick
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Climbing on Everything!
So last week Robert learned how to pull himself up to a standing position and this week he learned that if there is an obstacle in his way instead of going around it he will go over it. He has turned everything he comes in contact with (people, dogs, furniture) into his own personal Jungle Gym. Luckily he also learned how to get down from a standing position this week so bed/naptime hasn't been as bad. Here are some pictures of him crawling on different items throughout the week.
Apollo was on Robert's Rug so Robert climbed on him, luckily Apollo is very patient with him and didn't even growl during the process!
Pulling on his ears...Poor Apollo
Climbing on Grandpa while they babysat him on Tuesday
On Wednesday Robert made the trip to Red Wing with me so I could teach my last night of Lifeguarding recerts (Grandma missed him and wanted him there too). Eric and I keep telling my mom she needs to baby proof since Robert is into everything. She has done a pretty good job but with the empty shelf on this stand it made way for Robert to climb on up.

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