- Monday - Dad started the Baby Sign Language teaching with Robert, but we are told it will take about a month to really grasp the first signs. We're starting with the food sign! We also started using a sippy cup on this day. He is still trying to get the hang of it but everytime the cup is in arms reach he opens his mouth wide and grabs for it. (see picture below)
- Tuesday - Sat without assistance!! (see picture below)
- Wednesday - Moved up to Stage Two baby food, new meal plan is oatmeal for breakfast, fruit for lunch, and vegetable with cereal for dinner...still doing bottles as well!
- Thursday - New car seat arrived (see picture below).
- Saturday - Is up on all fours or rather the crawling position. Of course I couldn't get a picture of this because he isn't strong enough to hold the pose long enough for the camera to get ready. Hopefully I'll get it sometime next week. We are thinking crawling is just around the corner. Good thing we started baby proofing the house last weekend!
In addition to all these amazing changes Eric again deserves Dad of the Year award for the lack of help from me this week. The division 3 nationals were at the U of MN this past week (Wednesday - Saturday) and although my girls didn't get in I still volunteered to help out at the meet. It was great fun but meant I was gone everyday from 8am-10pm. I am so lucky to have married such a great man.
Sippy Cup!
Sitting (while playing with Mylo)

New Carseat...picture from cell phone which is why it is so small

Closest I could get to him gettin up on all fours!
"Like my new shades?"
The best way to play with your toys is to flip them upside down!

Closest I could get to him gettin up on all fours!

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