On Friday Robert went to the doctor for his 6 month check-up. We found out that are little boy now weighs 18lbs 7oz and is 27.5 inches long. He is in the 69 percentile for weight and 85.5 percentile for height. His head is still quite big and is at the 93 percentile but this was no surprise to me! The doctor said he is looking great and we feel quite fortunate that he has avoided all but 1 cold this winter. A fact that we know is greatly due to the fact that Eric gets to stay home with him and he isn't in daycare with a bunch of germs.
Yesterday in celebrating Robert's 6 month birthday we had him take part in his parent's favorite activities. In the morning, while Eric helped friends move, Robert and I made a trip up to the Albertville Outlets to get some spring/summer clothes for both of us. It was a beautiful day and he behaved great being pushed around in his stroller. That evening he helped daddy with his favorite activity...Grilling! We took full advantage of the weather and grilled steaks for dinner.
Today we continued to take advantage of the beautiful, spring weather and went outside for a family walk. The dogs were definitely a challenge and it is going to take awhile to retrain them how to walk after being cooped up this winter. They kept wandering in front of the stroller and couldn't understand why they were getting hit and yes we know we don't have the smartest dogs! Other than the dogs pulling us along it was a lot of fun to be outside and not have to worry about frostbite.
This is Robert's tough guy pose!
Eric teaching Robert the rules of Grilling...
Sunday Afternoon Walk

Waiting for Dad to get the Dogs!

Eric walking the dogs or the dogs walking Eric?

Eric got the easy job by taking the picture!

Swinging at the Park!