Sunday, March 29, 2009

First Tooth!

This was another big week for Robert as he cut his first tooth! It is still just peeking through the gums so taking a picture of it was difficult but between the ones below and the ones in the previous post from Sear's there should be enough of the little one this week!

It was spring break at St. Kate's this past week so to give Eric a break, or rather allow Eric to take Apollo to the vet, Robert came to work with me one of the days. He was pretty good but taking naps in his stroller was a new adventure.

On top of the new tooth Robert continues to grow everyday. Even though he isn't crawling yet he has become quite mobile. He is either rolling or scooting in a backward motion by using his head and feet (see picture below). This morning he scooted over to the coffee table and got really mad when he couldn't get the drawers/cupboard doors open. We love the changes but aren't too sure if we are ready for him to be on the move.

Making a bridge / way of moving around the floor

OOH! A new toy!

Staring out the window at lunch while at St. Kate's

Smiling at mommy while at work

Up on all 4s!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Photo Shoot

My mom came up to visit us, and by us I mean Robert, for the weekend and decided that she wanted some new pictures of Robert. So off we went to Sear's for some 6 month pictures and I can't believe how much my little boy has grown. He sat so perfectly (no wobbles!) for the pictures and was as happy as can be the entire time. We hope you enjoy them as much as we do!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Growing Week!

This has been a great week with Robert and although it is hard for me to admit my baby is growing up it is fun to witness the changes. Here is a recap of the week:
  • Monday - Dad started the Baby Sign Language teaching with Robert, but we are told it will take about a month to really grasp the first signs. We're starting with the food sign! We also started using a sippy cup on this day. He is still trying to get the hang of it but everytime the cup is in arms reach he opens his mouth wide and grabs for it. (see picture below)

  • Tuesday - Sat without assistance!! (see picture below)

  • Wednesday - Moved up to Stage Two baby food, new meal plan is oatmeal for breakfast, fruit for lunch, and vegetable with cereal for dinner...still doing bottles as well!

  • Thursday - New car seat arrived (see picture below).

  • Saturday - Is up on all fours or rather the crawling position. Of course I couldn't get a picture of this because he isn't strong enough to hold the pose long enough for the camera to get ready. Hopefully I'll get it sometime next week. We are thinking crawling is just around the corner. Good thing we started baby proofing the house last weekend!

In addition to all these amazing changes Eric again deserves Dad of the Year award for the lack of help from me this week. The division 3 nationals were at the U of MN this past week (Wednesday - Saturday) and although my girls didn't get in I still volunteered to help out at the meet. It was great fun but meant I was gone everyday from 8am-10pm. I am so lucky to have married such a great man.

Sippy Cup!

Sitting (while playing with Mylo)
New Carseat...picture from cell phone which is why it is so small

Closest I could get to him gettin up on all fours!

"Like my new shades?"

The best way to play with your toys is to flip them upside down!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Happy Birthday Mandie!

Happy Birthday Auntie!
I can't wait to see you on Sunday and celebrate with you.
Make sure Uncle Nick is super nice to you today.
Love Robert

Sunday, March 15, 2009

6 Months

On Friday Robert went to the doctor for his 6 month check-up. We found out that are little boy now weighs 18lbs 7oz and is 27.5 inches long. He is in the 69 percentile for weight and 85.5 percentile for height. His head is still quite big and is at the 93 percentile but this was no surprise to me! The doctor said he is looking great and we feel quite fortunate that he has avoided all but 1 cold this winter. A fact that we know is greatly due to the fact that Eric gets to stay home with him and he isn't in daycare with a bunch of germs.

Yesterday in celebrating Robert's 6 month birthday we had him take part in his parent's favorite activities. In the morning, while Eric helped friends move, Robert and I made a trip up to the Albertville Outlets to get some spring/summer clothes for both of us. It was a beautiful day and he behaved great being pushed around in his stroller. That evening he helped daddy with his favorite activity...Grilling! We took full advantage of the weather and grilled steaks for dinner.

Today we continued to take advantage of the beautiful, spring weather and went outside for a family walk. The dogs were definitely a challenge and it is going to take awhile to retrain them how to walk after being cooped up this winter. They kept wandering in front of the stroller and couldn't understand why they were getting hit and yes we know we don't have the smartest dogs! Other than the dogs pulling us along it was a lot of fun to be outside and not have to worry about frostbite.

This is Robert's tough guy pose!

Eric teaching Robert the rules of Grilling...

Sunday Afternoon Walk

Waiting for Dad to get the Dogs!

Eric walking the dogs or the dogs walking Eric?

Eric got the easy job by taking the picture!

Swinging at the Park!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

I Found My Toes!

This week has been another busy one for us as we spent a few days in Red Wing while my mom had knee surgery and then went to my team's banquet this weekend. My mom is doing well and recovering much quicker than she did with her back surgeries.

Robert continues to grow and change more and more everyday. We can't believe that he will already be 6 months old next Saturday. This week his big accomplishments were finding his toes, eating in a high chair for the first time, and playing hide and seek. He even surprised us by sleeping through the night 3 nights in a row! Of course the last 2 nights he still woke up for a 3am feeding...

Hope everyone is doing well!

Sunday, March 1, 2009


We were all starting to get a little stir crazy in the house so we decided to head outside and introduce Robert to snow. The dogs loved being outside too, especially when they found out their buddy Nova (neighbor's dog) was also outside and ready to play!

Robert was so bundled up that his arms stuck straight out most of the time and he could barely move. It reminded me of the kids on a Christmas Story when they were all bundled up and could barely move. I'm hoping this is the last of the snow we'll be seeing this winter...I'm sure I am being very optimistic but it is always nice to dream!