We had our ultrasound today and found out we will be welcoming a baby boy to our family in September. He is doing great and everything medically looks perfect. I know that many have asked about names but we've decided to keep that to ourselves until he is born.
According to our ultrasound technician he was the most active baby she has ever seen. At the start of the ultrasound he started in the breach position, then sideways, head down, and finally back to the breach position...all in a span of 15 minutes. Here are his first pictures. Enjoy!

Entire baby (currently weighs 1.2lbs) Baby's feet...still for a brief moment!
Here is the gender shot...the technician said this was one of the best gender pictures but unfortunately we still needed it explained to us. We still have a lot to learn!
Congratulations on your baby boy!
Armin L. Hoempler
(pronounced the same as Hempler)
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