Well once again I'm behind on blog posts! But I hope by the time you finish ready this blog you'll realize I have some pretty good excuses and forgive me a little! To start let's begin with a few pictures of the kids taken over the last 2 months.
One Last Summer Swim!
A visit to Grandma's House!
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Look an Apple Tree! |
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Pretty tasty apples!! |
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No trip home is complete without a visit with our friends Lucy & Nolan (Abby too!) |
Izzy is turning into a fashion Diva!
She insists on picking out her clothes each morning...it's too early for this!!!
And now for the big changes over the last few months! The biggest most immediate is that the kids begain going to daycare 3 days a week. They are going to Tutor Time in Apple Valley and both are loving the center. They get a great mix of education, playtime and socialization. We made this move for a couple of reasons. The first being that Robert needed to start preschool. Even though he won't start school for another 2 years (misses the September bday start deadline by a couple of weeks) we wanted him to get started on a more structured day. Because most of the preschools in the area are for 1/2 days for 2 days a week we decided to do a licensed/accredited daycare center where he could be there longer and a place his sister can go too. This also has helped Eric out by being able to get more done on the 3 days they are gone and do more daytime appointments, which was our 2nd reason for starting both kids. The first day we went we had tears at both drop off and pick up. Izzy during drop off and Robert at pick up...both were expected! Both kids wake up so excited to head to school in the mornings and really love their classes, which is such a relief for us! Izzy is still a little sad each morning during drop off but they say she adjusts just fine and she isn't as eager to leave in the evenings anymore.
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Heading out on their first day of school. So excited!!! |
It is true what everyone says...all pregnancies are different. When pregnant with Izzy the symptoms were different so I assumed (and was correct) from the beginning that she was a girl. With this one I thought I'd for sure be able to tell which gender it was but this pregnancy has brought it's own unique twists. This time I get most of my morning sickness in the middle of the night...when I want and should be sleeping. I never get fully sick at this time but I'm uncomfortable enough to make it hard to fall back to sleep. When the symptoms were so different I worried that maybe there was more than one baby inside...but was relieved to see just 1 baby in the womb at my 11 week ultrasound.
The kids are excited. Izzy is a little confused because she still likes to call herself the baby but lately she's been expanding to both her as baby and momma's baby. Of course then we have all of her dolls that are babies as well so at times it is still very confusing. Robert has been great and as much as I try to hide when I'm sick he is always very concerned and wanting to help when I exit the bathroom. We keep asking him if he wants a baby boy or girl and he's been consistent with saying girl. I think that is what he says because that is what he knows but either way I'm excited to have a good helper when the next one arrives.
I toyed with the idea of not finding out the gender with this next one since we have plenty of clothes and items for both genders stored in our basement but when I shared these thoughts with Eric, my mom and close friends they all looked at me like I was crazy and told me I'd never make it not knowing. To which I say...they are right! As much fun as it would be to find out at delivery the not knowing and not being able to prepare in advance wouldn't work with my personality. Oh well either way it is a surprise and I know we'll be just as surprised and happy in about 5 weeks as we would in 25.
With this baby being due in March it puts me pregnant at a completely different time of year than with Robert and Izzy. It will be nice to not have to go through another HOT summer pregnant but it also means being pregnant all swim season, so still in hot pools and a trip to Florida in January. I know my team is awesome though so I really don't have any concerns about it being too much. This is the timing I actually wanted with the other 2 kids as spring is my only real slow time of the year and it just didn't work out as well the previous times. I guess third times the charm! I'm excited to be able to enjoy this maternity leave a little more and possibly give up a little more control at work while I'm gone. Notice I did say a little more and not all. :)
Now that I'm out of the 1st trimester and the rush of the start of another school year is over I hope to post more often on the blog to keep everyone updated. But I don't want to make any big promises! Here is the new ones first picture and there will be more to come in about 5 weeks!!