Izzy celebrated her 2nd birthday this past Monday! She had a fun day playing at home with Robert, Grandma Cheri, and Dad while I was working. That night we all headed over to Eric's parents house to celebrate with them, Adam, and Lyric. Izzy was super spoiled and now has a huge collection of dolls, doll supplies, and beds for her babies.
On her way to the party! |
The Dora Cupcake Cake was really cute...until Robert slipped into
Grandma & Grandpa's kitchen and tried to carry it out to the dining room!! |
Not too sure about blowing out the candles. Luckily Robert was willing to help out! |
Lyric loved Dora's magic wand! |
Izzy playing with the dolls sippy cup! |
Robert helping take care of the babies!! |
The next day started out rough in our house. Robert woke up at 3am crying, fever of 102, and complaining of his ear hurting. I called our clinic system that luckily has a 24 hour appointment service and scheduled him for a 7am appointment. He slept a little more and then really fought seeing the doctor but we weren't surprised when we found out he had a double ear infection. I decided after the little sleep I'd gotten and with battling a cold I'd take the day off and stayed home. All was going fine with Robert feeling better, both kids had a good lunch and Izzy went down for a nap while the rest of us were getting ready for my Uncle Paul to come into town and then to have Nick and Tori all join us for another celebration/dinner that evening. When Izzy woke up from her nap I noticed that she felt warm as well but before fighting her to take her temp and attempt giving her meds I gave her some juice and was holding her in the living room. A few minutes after sitting down I noticed she started to twitch and thought she was trying to get down from my lap but when looking closer I realized she was having a seizure. My mom was walking by at the time and she helped support her head. It lasted about 30 seconds but luckily afterwards she snapped out of it but was crying in confusion. Eric and I quickly loaded her in the truck and headed to the hospital while my mom and uncle, who had only arrived about 10 minutes earlier, stayed home with Robert. On the drive to the hospital Izzy fell asleep but was wimpering in her sleep and I figured she too had an ear infection. Once we got to the ER we had to wait a little bit and she cried in my arms the entire wait, breaking my heart. We finally got called back into the check area and she threw a major tantrum at getting her temp taken, trying to take tylenol, and all the other tests. We were sent back out to the waiting room while the prepared a room for us but this only took a few minutes. Once in the room Izzy had had enough and just wanted to leave. We had a few different nurses come in and thankfully one brought a few toys which helped provide a distraction. The doctor came in to talk about what had happened and when she checked her ears she found a pretty bad infection. Because of this and her fever she determined that she'd had a febrile seizure and did not send us on for more tests. So we waited for about another hour to make sure the fever broke (needed another dose of ibuprofin since most of the tylenol was on Izzy's clothes and not in her body) and had drops put in her ears. They brought her some popsicles and graham crackers which made a huge difference and we finally got some smiles out of our little girl.
Since then she has been good. Her fever went back up a little during the night but since then she's been fine. She had her 2 year well check yesterday and the doctor explained the febrile seizures in a little more detail. We knew that they could be caused from high temps but the highest reading they got at the hospital was just under 102...so not that high. Our doctor said that it can also be caused by a fast rise in temp in that most people when they start getting a fever there is a slow climb but at times the fever can spike quickly and the body can't handle it. Since Izzy had been fine up until her nap and was showing no problems until she woke up I'm thinking this is what happened. Almost all kids that experience this either never have it happen again or they outgrow it by age 6. And although we're not looking forward to the chance at it happening again we are relieved that it doesn't cause her any harm. It definitely took us by surprise though especially since during her first 2 years of life she hadn't had anything more than a cold lasting a few days at most. I should also note that Eric had a similar seizure when he was young...which I think is the only thing that kept me calm at the time it happened to Izzy. Now being a few days out she is doing much better and although having to sneak her medicine in applesauce or yogurt is not a fun process for mom and dad but it does beat the wrestling matches, where we found out she is stronger than both Eric and I together, to take her meds the traditional way. We're hoping her 2s settle down now and we don't have a lot more drama or scares!!
Waiting to be released but treats make the wait easier! |
Still got to open presents from Nick and Tori and had pizza for dinner with everyone when we got home. |