Playing with our friends Lucy, Abby, and Nolan! |
Easter Morning! Robert was going to church with me which is why he's dressed and Iz is still in her PJs! |
A new Dolly! |
Reading my new books with Daddy...sunlight was a little bright! |
New Game! |
A little chocolate before Church never hurt anyone! |
Dressed in her Sunday Best! |
My 2 favorite boys! |
Easter Egg Hunt Time!!!
Mommy might have bought too many eggs! Luckily I have a lot of student-workers who will help eat the candy! |
Nap time! Still a little jealous of Nick since Izzy has never slept in mine or Eric's arms!! |
Robert and Grandpa disappeared for a walk... we found them downstairs with Grandpa telling Robert stories! |
Izzy wanted to swing with Grandpa too! |
Izzy found Robert's abandoned rice crispie sucker! |
I think she likes it! |