Every year at this time I leave with my team for our annual training trip. I still enjoy leaving the cold but it does get harder to leave the kids each year. This year I'll be going to the Bahamas and it should be a great trip and while I'm gone Robert will spend a good portion of the time in Red Wing with my mom. Leaving Eric and Izzy for some father-daughter bonding time...and what I hope for some good blogposts to be put up by Eric.
Before I left I wanted to do a post with some of the pictures that got overlooked, or rather I was too busy with other things to post earlier, so that everyone can enjoy them as much as we do and update you all with our life.
Robert is slowly (and I mean slowly!) coming out of his tantrum phase but is still very independent. He is talking more and more each day and always wants to know where everyone is. Izzy has now become "baby" to him and he refuses to call her by anything else. For the most part he has a love-hate relationship with her. Loves to talk about her when she's not around but hates that she is so mobile and into all of "his" toys. It is a challenge to keep track of who starts which fights and timeouts are becoming more common but hoping this phase doesn't last too long.
Izzy is growing up quite quickly and has become our little princess. She's at that awkward age of wanting to be able to do all her brother is doing but can't quite do it all. She also is trying to communicate with us but with her limited vocabulary this is often a challenge and usually ends in a tantrum...sometimes by her and sometimes by Eric and me! She does have some words she uses that include mama, dada, go, and tickle. She loves tickling people and when she says tickle,tickle,tickle it is honestly the cutest thing you've ever heard. We keep trying to get it on video but being the princess that she is, refuses to do it! While she started talking much earlier her brother she definitely is not as eager to get moving as quickly. She just started walking over the holidays. She's been able to do it for months but was too stubborn to do it, unless it was on the couch, not safe but she thought she was so funny and cute doing it.
Eric and I are both busy with work and finding time for each other and the family is sometimes a challenge but having the last week off and a slow week for Eric allowed for some great bonding and a chance just to relax and enjoy everyone. Our house has had a few offers but for various reasons they fell through on the buyer's end. We think we finally have found a legit buyer and are looking forward to moving closer to work and family in the next few months. Well I should say being closer...the move is not exactly something we're looking forward too!!
Here are the pictures and hope to share more with you once I return!
What is it about oven drawers that is so exciting?!

Her new way of eating! Got to be relaxed around here!

Enjoying his book while his sister is distracted with something else!

Princess throwing a tantrum!

Getting along and probably plotting against Eric & I

Reading in Mom & Dad's bed is the best!
Happy New Year Everyone!